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When we got home, my dad was still at work so we just went to the basement and watched movies till he showed up.

"Hey boys. Hey Maxie I got a call from the school," my dad said walking downstairs to the basement where we were. I looked down at my hands and the guys pulled in a breath. "Do you know what it's about?" My dad asked crossing his arms over his chest. I stood up and looked at him.

"Dad I'm so sorry but-" I began saying until he chuckled.

"Maxie why are you sorry? You have a scout coming to watch you play!" My dad yelled lifting me up smiling.

"Oh my god which school?" Jackson said as all them stood up. He was smiling and my friends were right behind him. My dad settled me down smiling.

"A school in London and Syracuse!" My dad yelled, my friends and brother jumped on top of me laughing and congratulating me.

"I'm so proud of you Sis!" Jackson yelled making me smile.

"Can you all get off me? I'm still in pain," I yelled but it wasn't heard since like 6 guys were piled on top of me.

"Alright get up," my dad chuckled and the guys got off me.

"Now what are you sorry about?" He asked after I was lifted back to my feet.

"No reason," I said quickly as I sat back down on the couch.

"Alrighty then," my dad chuckled and went back upstairs. The guys turned to me and I shrugged.

"Your not excited?" Aiden asked so I stood up and walked to a drawer full of letters. They were letters from colleges offering me a scholarship.

"All these colleges wanted you?" Alex asked looking threw them with the guys.

"Some I was going to send to them but they sent first," I turned the tv off and walked to the guys as they held the papers.

"MAXINE SOMEONES AT THE DOOR FOR YOU!" my dad yelled at me so I looked at the guys as we looked at one another confused. I went upstairs and walked to the door to see Zachery.

"Hey," he said leaning on the door frame. His leather jacket and blue jeans made him look good. It's weird to say or even feel that way about him.

"Hi," I whispered rubbing my arms slowly. I looked down and felt his green eyes on me.

"I don't know why he's doing this," Zachery whispered reaching for my hand and holding it in his.

"Zachery your friends with him and what he's doing isn't right so either you do something about it or I myself will," I told him trying to stay quiet. He stared at me shocked and confused.

"Why would you risk your fucking life over him?" He yelled so I pushed him outside and slammed the door. "You seriously need to chill out with what your thinking of doing because Ray will get more people and next time you can't run," Zachery said standing right infront of me so I pressed against him.

"Listen here ok? He has broken me down more then I can count. He can get more people I don't care, I'm stronger than you think," I said as he kept staring deep into my eyes. I lost track on how long we stood there on my porch, in silence.

"I know your strong Maxie but I don't want you getting hurt," he whispered putting his hand against my cheek. We stood there longer until the door opened and Jackson looked between us, I didn't feel his hand on my cheek anymore and I actually missed it being there.

"Am I interrupting something?" I saw the other guys behind him, Zachery looked away.

"No he was just checking on me," I nodded and stepped away from him. Jackson looked between us and I knew he hated him already.

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