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Sam and I didn't leave my room, we laid on my bed just looking at the ceiling. We talked about random things like we did in the hospital the one time.

"You're amazing Maxie," he whispered and I turned to him and he did too. I heard someone coming up stairs but then went back down.

"Should we go back down?" I asked Sam and he shrugged at me.

"We don't have too," he sat up and pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. "We can stay here," he whispered as he got closer. I turned my head away and stood up.

"Let's go downstairs. I don't want Jackson worrying," I smiled and turned to head out the door. He followed and Chloe was still here.

Finn and her were sitting beside each other and everyone else was talking about other things. I didn't look at Finn but I could tell Chloe and Sam looked to one another for a spilt second. "Wanna go to the kitchen?" Sam whispered in my ear. I nodded and walked to the kitchen, he was behind me.

"So what do you want to do?" I turned to him and he pushed me against the counter I stared into his eyes and there was hunger and lust. I gasped and his chest was rising and falling repeatedly.

"Nod your head if I can kiss you," his voice was raspy and his accent slipped in. The next thing I knew my head was nodding and his lips were pushed against mine as his hands moved down my hips. His tongue was pressing on my lips for me to open but I never knew how to do it, I didn't want to start. He bit on my lip making me moan and him chuckle as he tried to cover it up. "Shh I don't feel like getting beat up today," he whispered in my ear and kissed down it slowly until he reached my bare neck and sucked it and nipped it gently.

"S-Sam I think we should s-stop," I stuttered but he kept sucking my neck and I moved my hand to his hair and tugged it slightly while scratching his scalp. He groaned loudly making me chuckle at him.

"Do that again," he's accent slipped in with his raspy voice and I scratched his scalp while tugging his hair multiple times. People in the other room probably heard us so Sam pulled me off of the counter and walked me out the back door. He laid down on a lawn chair and told me to sit with him. I was about to grab another one until he pulled me onto his lap and I giggled and cover my mouth. "That's adorable," he chuckled and smiled at me. His voice was still raspy and showed his accent well.

"I've never done that," I uncover my mouth and he smiled at me. We sat like that starring into each other's eyes as I sat on his lap and his fingers drew circles on my hips.

"How are you so beautiful?" He whispered and I shook my head and he grabbed my chin gently. "You are beautiful and you don't see it because you don't want to," he told me and I gasped as he pulled me closer. "Your not even beautiful. Your beauty can't be described with one word," he smirked and pecked my lips.

"I think there watching," I whispered and Sam chuckled at me and ran his hand along my hip.

"Let them stare," Sam chuckled and pulled me into his lips and turned his head a little.

"Jackson is so gonna kill you," I chuckled and he smiled at me. We pulled back and laid next to each other as we stared at the sky, we didn't say anything we just smiled at the sky which was nice. I heard a car engine start and tires leave. I guess someone left but I was upset and happy at the same time so I didn't care.

"Wanna go back inside?" Sams fingers stopped drawing pictures on my hip. I nodded and we helped each other stand up. We walked inside and saw everyone being loud and rowdy until they saw us.

"Um hey," cal said and I didn't see Jackson or Caleb at all. It scared me honestly, did they leave? I walked up to my room and Sam followed me.

"You ok?" Sam asked me as his pulled me into a hug. I nodded my head and he nodded his. He turned out of my room and went down stairs. I laid on my back facing the ceiling on my bed, I heard footsteps come to my room and the door close.

"How could you? Like honestly I thought we were gonna try us," Finns voice was mixed with sadness and anger.

"I'm not starting this stuff. I don't like drama," I said and closed my eyes. He didn't leave then all of a sudden I felt my bed bounce and someone over me.

"He stole what I should have done," Finn wasn't scaring me though. He looked at my neck and turned away from it. "Chloe cheated on me with Sam," Finn whispered and I looked at him in shock. He looked down at me slowly. "They made a plan. Maxie they planned this out," Finn whispered and his soft hand was on my cheek as he held the rest of his body weight with one hand.

"Finn-," I was about to say when there was a knock on my door.

"Maxie, Can I come in?" Sam asked and Finn shook his head no.

"I'm naked sorry," I yelled making Finn chuckle. I covered his mouth so Sam wouldn't hear him.

"I don't mind that," You could hear the smirk in Sams voice and it made Finn growl into my hand.

"Shh," I whispered to Finn and ran my hand through his hair and tugged it a little. "I'm not feeling well. I just want to lay down for a while," I told Sam and Finn groaned in my hand when I scratched his scalp a little.

"Alright. I'll tell Jackson your okay then," Sam whistled away and I took my hands away from Finn making him whimper.

"Put your hand back in my hair," Finns voice had gotten Lower and raspy. He put his hands on my hips and lowered himself a little. I didn't know what was going on until his jeans were rubbed against my shorts making me make a sound that shouldn't be heard. I slipped my hand back in his hair as he kept making that sound slip through my lips as he went faster.

"Finn," I gasped and tugged his hair. We were panting but trying to be quite. He put his head in the other side of my neck where Sam wasn't and did like he did but it felt so much better. Finn took his time with every mark as he sucked and nibbled it then ran his tongue against it.

"Tell me when you want me to stop and I will," Finn was thinking of me. It made me smile and I scratched his scalp and tugged his hair as his movements were still going but instead of faster they were slow and hard. "I said I would wait for you and I mean It," his hand rubbed my stomach as he whispers in my ear and it made me giggle.

"We can finish. Tonight but instead here let's go to the lake," I whispered and he smiled into my neck.

"For a tomboy you seem too be a romantic," we both chuckled at that and I kept scratching his scalp as he kept moving slowly.

"Cal liked Chic flicks as a kid. We watched a couple with him so I know a little bit about being romantic," Finn kissed my neck and stopped moving. He pulled my hand out from his hair and kissed it and held it. We stared into each others eyes and it was different, it wasn't like Sam and I. It was Finn. I have feelings for Finn greater then I do for Sam. My heart skipped a beat when he leaned back down and kissed my cheek. He chuckled as my cheeks got hot and I finally blushed.

"Even being girly your still adorable," he chuckled and I punched his shoulder lightly. He put his forehead against mine and we smiled at each other. He put his hand against my cheek and I leaned into it on command. "We should head down," Finn whispered and I nodded. He stood up and pulled me up with him. He turned away from me and was about to open the door but I pulled him back and kissed him with all the passion I have for him. "I'll never get use to you doing that," he chuckled and we headed down.

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