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"Slow down," I yelled laughing as Sam was driving me too school on his Harley.

"You want to go faster?" Sam laughed as he made the engine go louder. He started slowing down when we were closer.

"Ok Ok Stop the bike," I laughed as he drove around the parking lot then pulling into a space. "Thank you now should we wait for the guys or head inside," I asked getting off slowly and placing the helmet into his hands.

"Lets go inside," He said fixing his jacket, He grabbed mine and his bag and we headed inside of the school, we went into the school and sat in the hallways. "Oh draw me again" Sam said as he scooted in front of me and made a funny face.

"Is that what you really want me to draw?" I asked pulling my sketch and a sharpened pencil out of my bag and he chuckled.

"I thought I looked pretty good," He chuckled and looked at me. I lifted my eyes to see his green ones as he leaned in closer to me. I scooted closer as he raised his hand to my cheek and was so close I could smell his fresh minty breathe as I put my stuff down and scooted closer to him.

"S-Sam," I whispered and he shushed me with his. He soft pink lips moving against mine. It was slow but so powerful. He pulled his lips away and I opened my eyes to see him starring at me, smiling.

"GARNET!" Cal yelled walking through the doors as we moved away from each other.

"AMATHEST," Aiden yelled jumping next to him and posing.

"AND PEARL," Jordan said standing next to them.

"AND STEVEN," Caleb chuckled walking in with them.

"Hey guys," I said putting my stuff in my bag and standing up.

"Oh my god Maxie, you missed the greatest night ever," Cal said wrapping his arm around my neck.

"We Watched Steven Universe all night," Jordan said as they walked over to us.

"How was the guest room?" Caleb asked as he put his bag in his locker.

"What guest room?" I asked looking at them and then sam who was starring at me with wide eyes.

"The one you had to clean out for your Kentucky uncle," Cal said looking at me like Caleb did yesterday.

"Oh yeah, my uncle isn't coming so I didn't have to clean the room after all," I shrugged and patted myself on the back for the save.

"Oh so why didn't you come over?" Jordan asked.

"It was already to late and I was working on the project for Sam and I," I told them thinking of each lie before I tell it.

"Hey Maxine could I talk to you?" Raymond said jogging up behind me.

"Hell no, she's not being with you alone," Aiden said as I turned to see Raymond staring at all of us.

"I'm not gonna hurt her, I have one arm," Raymond said lifting his arm slightly.

"So it's broken?" Sam asked looking at it.

"Yep, just like austins," Raymond chuckled shifting the strap.

"Ah so if I punch you it would hurt?" Sam asked standing next to me.

"Yes it would," Raymond said then shifting his eyes to me. "So can I talk to you," He asked but before I could answer Sam punched his arm. Raymond cursed and fell to the ground holding his arm.

"What the hell Sam?" Aiden yelled pulling his cousin back.

Raymond kept groaning so I got next to him and tried to help his arm. "Ow Maxine please it hurts," Raymond whimpered looking up at me as I fixed the strap on his shoulder.

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