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"Yea so then I told her to find Ray and give him more of her disease," Cal said chuckling and we all laughed together. Right now Cal, Jordan, Caleb, Aiden, Sam, and I were headed to the lunch room. Queen bee tried to ask Cal out.

"This girl has herpes?" Aiden asked in his British accent.

"Yes," Caleb said all serious then laughed. We walked into the room as it went quiet and everyone stared at us.

"Why are they starring at us?" Jordan whispered and Sam turned to him.

"I say let them stare. We could become the group of this school," Sam said as we looked over at him.

"Never gonna happen," I told them and headed to our table.

People whispered as I walked by, hearing me first cuss is very "interesting" I guess. I sat down and stared at the table as the guys joined me. Caleb sitting on my left and Sam sitting on my right, Cal, Jordan, and Aiden sat across from us.

"Do you want us to get you food?" Cal asked as I nodded slowly. They stood up and headed for the lunch line.

"Here," a sketch book was pushed infront of me and looked up and saw Zachery. "You need it for art and can draw stuff when your bored," he shrugged and looked down at me.

I looked back down at the table as I heard a groan. "Why are you talking to her again?" Raymond said getting closer to us.

"Will you just leave me alone?" I asked keeping my head down.

I felt an arm pushing my shoulder. "Why what are you gonna do freak?" Raymond kept pushing on my shoulder.

"Ray just leave her alone she's had a rough day," Zachery said trying to pull his friend away. But he kept doing it. I kept my head down.

"Come on freak, show the school what you can do, oh wait your to much of a wimp. All you are is a girl," Raymond said as he pushed me harder. He started chucking as everyone turned to us and my friends finally got back.

"Take your hands away from her," Sam said getting next to me.

"Why you won't do anything?" Ray said pushing me harder, I reached over and grabbed his wrist with my right hand and squeezed it, twisting it and kicking his feet out from under him.

"She will," Cal said chuckling as I twisted his arm around as he's on his stomach and everyone's eyes on us.

"Let go you bitch!" Raymond screamed trying to get free so I dropped his arm.

Zachery helped Raymond up and took him through the crowd. "THAT. WAS. AWESOME!" Aiden yelled as I sat back down as they joined and Caleb sat my lunch in front of me. "Sam give me your cookie," Aiden reached for his cook but he slapped his hand.

"Where are you from Sam?" Jordan asked him taking a drink of his juice.

"London," Sam said wiping his mouth and Aiden chuckled.

"Did you two go to the same school?" Caleb asked them as they looked at each other.

"Were cousins," they said at the same time.

"Why does he have an accent and you don't?" I asked looking at the both of them.

"Our Mums were sisters. My mum married a guy who also had an accent and his mum married a guy who didn't," Aiden explained.

"But wouldn't he still have an accent if his mom had it?" Cal asked and they both shrugged.

"I mean I'm able to show my accent very well but I speak regularly during day," Sam said in a perfect British accent as we all looked stunned except Aiden who was chuckling.

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