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I stopped when I saw a girl with strawberry blond hair with her hand on his face and kissing him. He's eyes looked over at me. He stopped and pulled away quickly from her as they both turned to me.

"Hey Freak! How have you been?" She asked as she put her hands around her arms.

"Sophie don't be rude," Zachery said as I stared at him and chuckled.

"Get back to what you two were doing. I have to get home," I said turning.

"Maxine wait," Zachery said as I took a couple steps.

"Zachy stay with me," I heard her say and I went faster down the street till I didn't hear them again.

"Maxine?" I heard behind me and turned to them slowly. "What are you doing?" Raymond asked stepping closer to me.

"I'm going home what does it look like," I said looking down at his arm in the sling.

"Can I walk you home then?" He asked as he fixed the strap.

"Are you gonna hurt me?" I asked feeling off about him being next to me but he chuckled.

"You have 2 hands and arms. I have one," he chuckled looking at his arm.

"Ok" I whispered as we started walking side by side to my house.

"Was that really the first time you cussed?" Raymond asked and I shook my head. "When was your first then?" He asked shoving his good hand into his jeans.

"Listen, just cause your walking me home and being nice doesn't make me think your gonna stop bullying me. You've done it for years now," I said stopping dead in my tracks and turning to look at him.

"You forgave Alex," He whispered as he turned to look at me. "You forgave him after what he's done to you," he spoke louder and stared at me in the eyes.

"Alex did barely anything," I shrugged and stared at him closely.

"Just don't trust him alone," Raymond whispered standing closer.

"And why should I trust you right now?" I asked as he looked down on me.

"Alex is different about you, when he's with us all he does is speak of you. When he's with you all he does is stare at you. He has both limbs at the top and I'm not trying to hurt you right now. I'm telling you what he could do," Raymond said as he looked around at the empty road and streets.

"And if you had both arms?" I whispered starring into his hazel nut eyes as the sunset showed them better.

"I probably wouldn't be here," he said and looked to the street. I heard wheels stop behind us.

"Maxine, let me explain," I heard Zachery say but I didn't turn around feeling a tear slide down my face in front of Raymond.

"Zach I think you should leave," Raymond said looking at his best friend. I heard a door open and slam shut.

"Your gonna hurt her," Zachery yelled getting behind me. I was between two best friends.

"Zach I couldn't hurt her," Raymond yelled back. I kept my eyes down as I stared at my sneakers.

"You already did today, you made her cuss," Zachery said I pulled my phone out and texted Sam.

M: Come pick me up on 5th street and don't tell the boys. Please.
S: on my way Maxie

"You've hurt her too Zach," Raymond said after my ears joined in on the conversation. I put my hands on there chest and pushed them apart.

"Stop fighting, you two are best friends. You don't fight over a stupid girl," I told them and sat down on the sidewalk.

"Do you still want me to walk you home Maxine?" Raymond asked standing next to me.

"I could drive you home," Zachery added standing on the other side of me before Sams Harley Pulled up. He parked it there and got off.

"Get away from her you nimb rods, you've hurt her enough," Sam said walking to us.

"Nimb rods? What the hell is that?" Zachery asked looking at Raymond.

"Look in the mirror and I'd be right in front of ya," Sam said making me chuckle. "Come on Maxie, the guys were questioning why I left so quickly," he said helping me stand up as Zachery and Raymond backed away.

"See you at school Maxine," Raymond said as I got on the Harley.

The two got in Zacherys car and drove away. Sam sat infront of me and put his helmet on me. "Don't you need this?" I asked him.

"I'm fine Maxie, just hold on tight to me," He said reving the engine and kicked the kicked stand back in place and headed to my house.

I had my arms wrapped around his waist as the helmet was on his cloth sweatshirt.

"We're here," Sam said stopping the bike infront of my house and helping me off. I took the helmet off making my hair stand up and go on my back. I handed his helmet to him but he stared at my neck.

"What's wrong? Is there a bug or something," I asked rubbing my neck where he was looking.

"How did you get a hickey and from whom?" He asked putting the kickstand on. I gasped and put my hair back on my shoulders.

"No one, forget you saw it," I said patting my hair down to keep it covered. I put the helmet on his lap.

"Just tell me who gave to you," he said looking at me.

"It was dark," I lied thinking of bad story to tell.

"Fine just get inside," Sam chuckled putting the helmet on as I ran inside my house.

"Hey Maxie, your home late," my dad said at the stove looking over at me.

"Practice and then went to Jordan's house for a little bit," I shrugged and dropped my bag on the steps.

"Whose Harley was that then? Because Jordan and Cal's parents would never let them drive one and Caleb well he probably couldn't drive one well," My dad said making me laugh.

"His name is Sam, him and his cousin are our new friends," I told him and he nodded slowly.

I walked to the couch and turned the tv on. There was knocks at the door.

"Hey dad will you get that?" I smiled and he chuckled. He went to the door and opened it

"Hello is Maxine hear?" I heard the voice say at the door.

"Maybe who are you?" My dad said back making me chuckle.

"My name is Ray sir. Maxine dropped her sketch book," I heard Raymond say at the front door.

"Ah MAX!" My dad yelled for me making me fall of the couch making a loud thud noice.

"Ow YES?" I yelled back as I stood up and walked to the door.

"A boy has something of yours," my dad smiled at me as he walked back to the kitchen.

"Be glad it's not my virginity like most children," my dad chuckled as I look at Raymond.

"Hey," he said as I patted my hair down again on top of my neck.

"Do you actually have my sketch book?" I asked looking at his empty hands.

"Yea," he looked in his bag and pulled out my sketch book putting it out to me. "I'm guessing you dropped it when- mm" he began saying as I covered his mouth and mouthed "dad" he nodded and I pulled my hand away. "See ya then," Raymond said and took off to Zacherys Car. I shut the door and saw my dad with a clown mask on with a knife.

"Really?" I asked chuckling at him and he nodded slowly.

"Best dad ever," he said and I laughed.

Will my dad see the tragic mark on my neck? Will bullying happen tomorrow? What will happen between the three best friends?

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