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We went down stairs except Finn ran to the bathroom making me chuckle. I went to the couch and sat down, Chloe was trying to talk to the twins but they were speaking to drew.

"Hey," I said and sat beside her. She turned to me confused and smiled to me, she was pretty and I could see why Finn dated her.

"Hi," she looked away from me and turned to see Sam who was talking with Aiden. Caleb and Jackson still wasn't back making me a little sad.

"You like him?" I asked her and she turned to me quickly.

"N-no I like Finn," she stared at me a little upset and turned back to Sam when his accent slipped in again.

"Hey Maxie. I didn't see you come down," Sam walked over to me and sat down. "And hey to you too Chloe," he smiled and wrapped an arm around my neck.

"Hey Sam im just talking to Chloe," I smiled and Chloe turned away from me and him. Finn walked down and his shirt hung nicely off his chest and his jeans were a little lower then they were in my room.

"Damn," Chloe said exactly what I was thinking, Sam looked at her with surprise as his arm stayed around my neck. I felt safer with Finn then Sam and I don't know why.

"You went to the bathroom to do that?" Chase and Kayden chuckled at him and Drew smirked as he saw my reaction. Sam was scolding Chloe and I guess he liked her back maybe. His arm was removed from my neck and the door opened and was slammed shut.

"Well hey to you too," Cal looked at Jackson and Caleb who were both panting and glaring at Sam.

"Cal take everyone downstairs," Jackson said and Cal shook his head at him. Jackson hugged Cal and whispered something in his ear making Cal laugh.

"Chill on my brother," Drew chuckled and Cal blushed. Finn walked over to a seat by him self and sat down. Cal dragged Jordan and Aiden down stairs. Raymond, Zachery, Chase, Kayden, and Drew followed them.

"Sam I'm literally about to kick your ass so you might want to move away from my sister," Jackson crossed his arms at Sam. Sam stood up and walked to a seat across the room from Finn.

"One of you explain what's going on," Caleb pulled Jackson back and nodded at him.

"I love Maxie," Finn said and sat up in his chair, Sam chuckled at him.

"Are you sure about that Finn because I remember you saying you love Chloe before I walked to Max's room," Sam smirked and I turned to Finn. "If anyone loves her here it's me," Sam said and Finn stood up but Caleb put his hand on his chest and shook his head. He sat back down slowly.

"Ladies?" Caleb asked and Chloe looked over to me. I didn't want to see her so I looked forward and heard Alex's voice in my mind.

"Finn and I are a better couple. We love each other and we say we love each other everyday," Chloe smiled and I heard Alex whisper in my ear.

"It's true. Finn and Sam have lied to you. I haven't," I felt his hands on my hips again.

"Maxie?" Jackson was looking at me and waving his hand in my face. I didn't say anything and stayed still.

"Max?" Finn said and I shook my head and looked at Jackson.

"Yeah?" I asked and he turned to Finn. Chloe was still beside me and Finn and Sam were still in the chairs.

"Wanna say something?" Caleb asked and I shook my head. Sam looked at me along with Finn.

"Maxie do you need to lay down?" Jackson felt my head and I pulled back from him and heard Alex again.

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