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I woke up to the guys trying to cook. Notice the word trying, it smelt like burned toast. I went down stairs to Kayden and Chase sitting on the couch with Drew. Jackson and Sam were in the kitchen by the stove while Aiden and Cal sat on the counter. Finn or Caleb was in the bathroom and Jordan was still asleep.

"Good morning Maxie," Chase smiled as all turned to me.

"Sleep well?" Kayden asked and I nodded to him. Soon I was lifted off the ground I turned and saw Caleb behind me.

"Hello Maxine," he said and I chuckled and smiled. He set me back down and went to the basement to get his chain necklace.

"Food?" Aiden chuckled as he stared at the burned things.

"Get out of the kitchen. I'll cook," I said and got pancake mix and bacon out.

"Are you sure?" Sam asked and I turned to him.

"Defiantly," I chuckled and got different pans and laid the raw bacon the stove as I made the mix for the pancakes and put them on a plate as well.

"I'm back!" Finn yelled making me confused. I looked through the door seeing him with a bag.

"Did you get my inhaler?" Chase asked him and Finn handed it too him. Kayden grabbed the bag from his brother and got out a brush for his hair making me chuckle. I turned my attention back to the food and made more than 20 pancakes and so much bacon.

"Done," I told them and got them plates and made me a cup of juice as they walked in.

"Yes! I love your cooking," drew smiled and grabbed his food and it went through the line.

"Are you gonna eat?" Jackson asked and I shook my head.

"Not hungry," I smiled and I felt Finns eyes on me so I turned my head away from him. "Plus I have to clean up so eat up," I walked back in the kitchen and put the dirty dishes in the sink and put the stuff in the fridge.

The guys got done soon and we sat in the basement watching a movie. "When's your dad coming back?" Aiden asked and Jackson looked to me. Dad probably didn't tell him or he forgot.

"Two days," I told him and rubbed my throat. I coughed a little making it hurt more.

"Aren't you suppose to go see Chloe today?" Kayden said talking to his brother. Finn looked over at him and then shrugged.

"Whose Chloe?" Drew asked starring at Finn closely.

"That's his girly friend," Sam chuckled and winked at Finn. Sam wrapped his arm behind me making Finn turn to us.

"Oh," Drew whispered as he starred at Finn. It was quite as we just looked at one another.

"So have you given thought as to which college you want?" Aiden turned to me and I shook my head. It went back to quite until there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it," I said and walked to the door. Chloe was there with a smile.

"Hey! Is Finn here? His mom said that he was at a friends house," she was pretty and so peppy.

"Yea give me a sec," my voice was still raspy but she smiled. I walked down to the basement.  "Finn, Chloe is here for you," I told him and he looked at me confused and started up the stairs slowly. They talked for a while as we just kept watching the movie.

"Do you two like Chloe?" Caleb asked the twins and they shrugged. I turned my attention to them for there answer.

"She's not that much fun. She just wants to be by Finn. Even at school she hangs out with her cheerleader friends and there boyfriends," Chase shrugged at us so I turned away again.

"She sometimes doesn't even pay attention to Finn. She's been hanging out with more and more people," Kayden nodded and popped his knuckles.

"Why doesn't he dump her?" Jordan asked "i mean if he's not happy and she is possibly cheating-" Sam stopped him though.

"Never said anything about cheating. Don't blame the poor girl," Sam said and Jordan shrugged.

"Chloe is nice just not all the time," Kayden whispered, I looked at drew and he was thinking away. His eyes focused on one thing and his mind was on another.

After a while Chloe and Finn came down the stairs and they weren't talking to each other. "Come on guys were heading out," Finn grabbed his stuff and waited for Kayden and Chase to stand up but they didn't. "Come on," Finn urged them.

"It's fine. We can watch them, you two can go out," I smiled at them and Chloe smiled back but Finn look at me sad.

"Yea we can do it," Sam said and wrapped his arm around my neck as he smiled. Finn looked at sams arm and so did Chloe. Why would she?

"Please Finn?" Chase asked. Finn didn't look away from Sam and I.

"Yeah I guess so. Let's go," him and Chloe left as we watched more movies and played games. We decided to go to the back yard and play a game of soccer.

"I think the captains should be actual team captains," Cal chuckled and pushed Jackson out.

"So Maxie and I?" Jackson said after regaining his balance. We walked out and looked at the players. "You can choose first sis," Jackson nudged me so I chose Sam knowing he'll be at least ok.

"Cal," Jackson smiled at him making Cal blush. Drew chuckled at them as they looked confused.

"Kayden," I whispered and he skipped to my side. Jackson chose Drew, I chose Aiden next, Jackson chose Jordan, I chose Chase. All that was left was Caleb leaving the teams a little unfair but Jackson called his friend and he showed up quickly.

"Let's play!" Sam yelled and started kicking the ball around.

"Y'all can have it first," I told them so they nodded and started playing. Cal tried to dribble but chase stole it from him and took off to the goal, Chase passed it too Aiden who got it in the goal.

"Olay!" Sam and Aiden yelled making me chuckle. Jackson took the ball and passed it too drew. Drew got passed The ball from Kayden and tried to shoot but hit Jacksons friend in the head with the ball.

"Sorry!" Drew yelled after he laughed. I dribbled the ball to the other goal and passed to chase who got it in. 2-0 and the guys were already tired. We went inside and I ordered pizza for everyone, an hour later Finn showed back up and told me to go to my room with him. Drew shook his head making Finn stop.

"I need to talk to you," Finn told me, I grabbed his wrist and brought him to my room.

"What's going on?" I asked him and he sat on my bed and pulled me back between his legs like I was yesterday.

"She dumped me. She's been cheating for 2 months," he looked at me with not glossy sad eyes but happy.

"I'm sorr-" I began but he stopped me. His hands squeezed my hips.

"That's a good thing! We can be together. There can be an us," he smiled at me and I starred down at him. "Right? You said you couldn't date me because of her. Well she's gone now," Finns smile left when I didn't say anything. I bit my lip as I looked away from him.

"I've never had a boyfriend," I whispered and he starred at me shocked.

"So I would be your first?" He grinned and I wrapped my arms around me.

"I don't know if I want one yet," he let go of my hips and starred at me upset. I felt bad for doing it but I'm not ready.

"I will wait for you," Finn stood up and lifted my chin to stare into his eyes. "As long as it takes," he leaned down and pecked my lips with his. We didn't look away from each other.

"Maxie, Finn! We're going to the movies," Drew yelled to us. Before Finn was about to walk away I stopped him and pulled him close. Something happened it me that made my skin tingle and made me want him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pushed my body against his as I kissed him. He put his hands on my hips and kisses me back. Our lips danced against each other. I guess I need him too.

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