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After practice everyone went to Jordan's house except Cal and I. We went to my house.

"Are you ready?" Cal asked me and I nodded and asked him the same question. He shook his head and we entered my house.

"Hey is she coming home today?" I heard Jackson yell and it sounded like he had been crying. Cal and I looked at each other and headed up to his room. "Hello?" Jackson yelled again and once we were outside his door I knocked on it. You could hear footsteps and then the door opened.

"Hi," I whispered and he looked at me surprised and before I could say another word I was lifted off the ground.

"Oh my god thank heavens your ok I've been so fucking worried," he said squeezing me tightly.

"I'm fine Jackson are you?" I asked him once he settled down and saw how flushed he was and his eyes bloodshot.

"I'm just so happy your ok," he said rubbing his eyes and turned and saw Cal. He didn't look at him long but I could see something that was now. Lust? "So where are the others?" He asked and I grabbed Cal's and His hand and pulled him to his bed. I shut the door and sat them down.

"Could you tell me what you guys are doing?" I asked him and they turned and looked at each other before turning to me.

"What are you talking about sis?" Jackson asked looking at me with his brown eyes which he got from dad. Cal looked down at his hands and didn't say a word, couldn't, and wouldn't.

"Cal tell me," I said already knowing since he told me but not infront of Jackson. Jackson is tempered but not badly.

"I-I-I....." he stuttered then stopped. My phone buzzed so I pulled it out of my pocket and answered without looking.

"Hello?" I said as the boys turned to each other.

"Do you like her or not?" Alex yelled at someone. I looked at the boys and I guess they heard it because they stood up.

"I don't I promise," hunter quivered and I stood still until I heard a loud bang from the side of the phone.

"Say it again," Alex yelled and I closed my eyes and stopped.

"I don't like her. She's yours I never liked her!" Hunter yelled and sobbed making my heart quiver.

"Good boy now tell Raymond to never touch her again or you'll send someone after him," I heard Alex chuckle as I felt the guys eyes on me.

"Raymond if you ever touch Maxine ever again I will send someone after you and bury your body myself," hunter spoke and I guess it was into a phone.

"I'm gonna get my girl no matter who I have to take down," Alex chuckled and the line went dead. How could Alex be so evil? He was such a nice guy. I slid my phone back in my pocket.

"You two either man up or I'll talk about it myself," I said turning to them.

"Sis I'm gay ok? I fell for someone and it changed me and I'm proud of it. He completes me," Jackson said and I looked at cal.

"I told you my story," He whispered so I grabbed his hands and made him stand up.

"Tell me again," I whispered back to him and he took a deep breath.

"Maxie I'm gay and I like it. I saw the light and now I see dudes like I saw girls. Your my best friend and I want you to always know that I trust you," he told me and I was happy.

"The guy that changed me is Cal," Jackson stood up and wrapped his arms around His waist and cal chuckled.

"And Jackson changed me," Cal smiled and I stared at the both of them. They were adorable.

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