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Lunch time was like any other. Jordan, Cal, Me, and now Caleb sat at our usually table and talked.

"Hey Can I talk to you real quick?" The guys were looking behind to where the voice came from so I turned around and saw Alex.

"Leave her alone, she did nothing to you or your friends," Cal said and stood up along with Caleb and Jordan who was staring Alex down.

"I just want to talk privately," he said putting his hands up and looking side to side seeing a group of people watching.

"What about? How you didn't know your "friend" would kick her?" Caleb said and the guys were getting angry.

"Or how bout when you didn't try to stop him," Cal said and I stayed sitting down looking at my food.

"Or when you lied and said you didn't hate her," Jordan said but he didn't say it loudly. I stood up, hearing only the chair scrap against the tiled floor. I didn't say anything. I didn't do anything. I didn't look at anyone. I walked away.

I walked to my locker and sat on the ground looking at my feet. I wasn't going to cry. I wasn't going to pout. I was gonna get stronger and better. I turned and opened my locker taking a soccer ball out and walking to the field. I was the only one out there and I was glad, no body to bother me. I sat the ball down and kicked it in the goal.

"That's not good practice," spoke to soon I guess, I didn't say anything to him but I walked to the goal and picked up ball, I dribbled it back to the spot I was standing. "So your not talking?" He said again and I lifted the ball to my knee and let it back down.

"Go back to lunch," I told him before kicking the ball to the goal. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up at me.

"I'm not leaving you out here alone," Zachery whispered and I could see pain in his gray eyes but I didn't pay attention. I shrugged his hand away and walked back to the ball. "You know, I know why your captain now," I pulled out my phone and turned on music to at least blast him out but I got a text message so I checked it.

Caleb: Where are you young lady
Cal: come out, come out where ever you are
Jordan: I'm gonna eat your food if you don't get back here

I chuckled at my phone and felt it vibrate in my hand.

U: meet me on the soccer field at 6
~deleted message~

"So Zachery are you gonna leave so I can practice?" I asked slipping my phone in my pocket.

"Can I practice with you?" He asked tossing the ball to me.

"You probably should go to Raymond," I murmured kicking the ball hard to the goal.

"Maxie I didn't know-" he began saying but I stopped him stepping closer.

"Never call me Maxie and I know you didn't know and honestly I don't care," I said and looked over his shoulder. "And you should probably leave," I told him as I saw the guys walking over to us quickly

"Please Maxine I need to talk about you," he reached down and grabbed my hand but I didn't react, the guys were right behind him.

"Zach I think you should go," Jordan said but Zachery didn't turn to him. He stayed looking at me, holding my hand.

"I'm not gonna hurt her," He whispered softly but it didn't help.

"Zach, Meet Caleb, he will make you leave if you don't now," Cal said but Zachery rubbed his thumb against the back of my hand.

"Caleb?" I heated Jordan but when I looked over Zacherys shoulder Caleb was looking at the two of us.

"Come on guys, she's able to fight for herself," Caleb smiled and pulled the two away. I looked at Zachery as he looked at our hands.

"Will you let me call you Maxie?" He asked me and I saw him smiling as he rubbed my hand with his thumb.

"Why are you being nice too me? Why now?" I ask pulling my hand away and his smile faded.

He looked away, biting his lip. He closed his and ran a hand through his already messy hair. "I-" he began but someone was yelling from the doors.

"Dude is that you? Come on we're looking for freak," Raymond chuckled but Zachery didn't turn to him.

"Um yeah it's me but I'm kinda doing something I'll be in an a minute," Zachery waved him off but I started hearing footsteps. I looked up at him and saw him biting his lip and mouthing 'I'm sorry'.

"Hey what are you-" Raymond began saying but when he saw me he stopped. "You were gonna beat her up your self? That's a little selfish ain't it Zach," Raymond chuckled punching his shoulder softly. "Just kidding but I can take it from here," he looked at me head to toe and turned back to Zachery. I started walking to the goal to grab my ball only to be dragged back by Raymond.

"Let her go Ray, she's done nothing," he said but Raymond looked at him in confusion.

"I'm done with your fake shit and I can do what I want to who I want because if you've forgotten I'm the leader," Raymond said chuckling and gripping my arm tighter. I turned to him and kicked him in his Boy area and watched him fall to the ground.

"Don't you ever put your hands on me again or I'll make sure you can't have any children," I yelled down at the guy curled in a ball in the field. "And you," I pointed to Zachery. But I didn't say nothing, I ran to the goal and grabbed my ball and ran to the doors. People were staring at me and I didn't like it. The guys caught up to me and chuckled as they walked by me.

"What did he say?" Cal chuckled as I turned the corner as they followed with more people watching.

"He told Zachery to leave so he could beat me up himself, I walked over to get my ball but he grabbed my arm so I kicked him," I told them as I shoved my ball in the locker.

"I think he started crying," Jordan laughed as I grabbed my books for biology.

"Good job Maxie, the dick deserved it," he chuckled but I covered my ears. "Oops I mean Jerk," he said again and we all headed to our biology class.

"Would you do that again so I can take a video?" Cal said as him and Caleb were playing chopsticks. Girls kept on trying to talk to Caleb to figure him out

"So are you gonna try out for the football team?" The Queen bee asked twisting her gum around her finger. Alexis always does that when flirting, it's really disgusting.

"Aren't you dating Raymond?" Jordan asked her and she tsked and sat on the table in front of Caleb.

"Sorry princess, I don't take seconds from a guy that got he's balls kicked. Plus you have herpes and I'm for sure not touching that," he used his finger pointing to her and I laughed looking at her face.

"Oh my god she has herpes!" Cal yelled and more people came in but they stayed clear from her.

"Oh my god, her and Ray were making out like yesterday." A guy about Calebs height said.

Raymond walked in and Alexis ran out of the room in tears. Everyone looked at Raymond as he limped to his seat and groaned sitting down. "Did you know Alexis had herpes dude?" A guy from the soccer team that I didn't remember asked him, he looked up in shock and looked around.

"She does not have herpes," Raymond chuckled then groaned trying to shift in his seat.

"Actually it's hidden on the bottom lip, like right here," Caleb pulled down his bottom lip and showed the spot he saw it.

"So if you felt some pumps in her mouth while you sucked her face than it was herpes," Cal laughed and looked over to me as I smiled.

"Can you get herpes like that?" Jordan asked and Raymond was paying attention very closely. Caleb nodded and soon the teacher walked in but she saw the way Raymond was so scared.

"Mister Raymond are you alright?" She asked but he nodded his head and I felt his eyes on the back of my head.

Alex wanting to talk but not even the guys would let him. Zachery showing up on the field and holding my hand but the guys left me with him. I kicked Raymond and learned he has herpes probably. What even is a happy ending?

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