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When we got to the fair we all climbed out of the cars. Cal was super excited and it was funny seeing him jump around.

"Welcome gentleman and lady to the state fair!" An excited man chuckled looking at all of us. "Go on in and have a wonderful time," he smiled and Zachery put his hand on my back as we walked into the crowded fair.

"So where too first?" Jackson asked looking around as his hand was around Cal's waist.

"Rides?" Aiden put in and Cal smiled and dragged Jackson to a tall roller coaster.

"Do you want to go on the ride?" Zachery leaned and whispered to me and I nodded and turned my head to him.

"Alrighty let's get in line," Finn put his hand on my back and pushed me gently away from Zachery. We were behind Jordan and Caleb who was talked about a baseball game they had seen.

"Maxie," I turned and saw people from school. "We heard what happened," they said with sad smiles.

"Leave her alone," Sam said making the people leave quickly. "Are you ok?" Sam asked me and held my hand, I felt Finns' eyes on our hands.

"Come on we're getting on," Finn grabbed my arm and pulled me gently.

We climbed on to the roller coaster, it was three to a seat but Jackson and cal got to sit alone and Jordan and Caleb had to sit with Finn. I sat with Zachery and Sam since they were behind me. "Ready!" I heard from Cal and I smiled as the thing jumped.

We started going up the hill and before we went down I grabbed Sam and Zacherys hands because I have to admit it was scary and I didn't want to do it anymore.

"It's ok Maxie just breathe," Sam chuckled as the thing went to the side.

"Open your eyes," Zachery laughed and I opened them as we were going down again. I started laughing, the ride is fun. It came to a stop and we climbed off.

"That was so much fun," Cal chuckled and Jackson held onto him tightly.

"Alright let's do something that isn't gonna make me throw up," Raymond chuckled and so they decided to play a couple games.

"This one!" Jordan chuckled at the name. 'Hit the balls' you throw baseballs at the hanging balls to win prizes.

"Alright whose first?" Caleb asked so I handed the guy my five dollars. I threw the ball and it hit one, then the other, the another. I got all of them making everyone look shocked, even the guy at the counter.

"Wow um congrats young lady what's your name?" He asked me and I backed away, Sam put his hand on my back.

"Her name is Maxine," Jackson said and the guy nodded.

"She's a little shy right now," Jordan said as he payed the guy.

"Oh alright well she gets a prize so what will it be? A Panda? Dog? Tiger?" The guy named the things so I pointed to the dog and Sam carried it for me. Jordan took his turn and got a smaller one. Jackson tried and got the medium size panda for cal.

"So where to now?" Sam asked us and I looked around seeing more games and rides and food.

"More games?" Caleb asked but my phone buzzed in my pocket making me jump. I looked at it and it said unknown. I put it to my ear after clicking answer.

"Maxie?" Alex said over the phone and my eyes when wide and I started shaking. "I can hear you breathing. Please talk to me," he said and the guys looked over at me. Zachery wrapped his arms around me to stop me shaking. "What I did is bad I know but if you put me in jail then I will never get to see my family. Please don't do that baby," Alex whispered to me. Zachery heard him because he let go of me and stared at me shocked. "Please," Alex said again then there was yelling from the phone and the line went dead.

Zachery grabbed the phone from my hands and looked at the number but it still said unknown. "Why would you answer it?" Zachery said making people stare at him.

"Who was it?" Jackson asked looking at me. I turned away.

"It was Alex!" Zacherys voice raised and Jackson turned to me shocked.

"Don't raise your voice your gonna scare her," Aiden said and put his hand on my arm making me jump.

"Zach calm down she didn't know," Raymond said and Zachery chuckled.

"She didn't hang up when she found out so she did know," Zachery said and they all stared at me. I backed away and was about to take off but someone was behind me. I went passed them and took off before the guys could notice.

I ran out of the fair and into the field and into the woods. I ran until I was out of breath and legs were jelly. I hated doing this, running from problems but I have to get away from them. They were scaring me and I hated it. "Max come back!" Finn yelled so I laid down near a tree and waited for there voices to disappear.

"God your so annoying with this," Zachery said so I decided to just keep walking. There were vines on the ground and rocks ranging in different sizes.

"Your not helping you asshole," I heard Aiden say so I walked farther into the woods while the light went away and it was completly silent. I arrived back at the pond? I looked around and thats when I noticed two boys sitting by it, they looked similar so I guessed they were twins.

"Woah um Chase a girl just came out of the woods," the one boy said to the other making him turn and look.

"Your right Kayden. Um Hi," Chase said and I looked at them closely, they really looked like Finn.

"Are you ok?" Kayden asked me as they walked towards me, I didnt have my phone so I didn't really have a way of telling them anything.

"Should we call Finn? they asked one another and I shook my head at them. They looked at me confused. "Do you know who Finn is?" they asked me and I nodded at them. "Are you Maxie?" They asked and I nodded once again.

"Maxie!" Finn yelled as he came down the road, I ran behind a couple of tree's before he showed up. "Oh Hey guys what are you doing out here?" Finn asked them and the twins looked at one another.

"Nothing," they said together and rubbed there necks. "We just wanted to walk and stuff" They chuckled and turned to me.

Great. I can't even get a break.

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