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2 months later:

"Max!" Finn yelled for me. It was my birthday today. I was turning 19 now and Alex was locked away for good. Sam and Chloe have been together for 2 months and counting. Jackson and Cal are still strong and still good together. Chase and Kayden have began getting close to me. Drew is still like a little brother to me which is nice. Zachery is in Hawaii with his girlfriend. Raymond moved away but we're still connected. Jordan found a nice girl name Courtney. "Come on!" Finn was about to open my door when I pulled him in.

"Why don't you get in here?" I smiled and he sat down on my bed. I switched my shirt real quick so it would be different when I walked down stairs. He chuckled and winked at me.

"Can we leave it off?" He Smirked at me making me giggle. He pulled me in between his legs and rubbed my bare hips.

I honestly didn't know what we were, not a boyfriend and girlfriend just I was his Maxie and he was my Finny. "We have to go downstairs," I wined and he chuckled at me.

"Then get your clothes on before I take them off," he winked at me and laid back on my bed. I ran a brush through my hair, barely getting the tangles. "Can I help?" He asked and I nodded. He pulled me on his lap and brushed my hair and kissed my neck as he did it.

"Thanks, now let's go," I smiled and we walked down stairs. He put his hands over my eyes and took me to the back yard, when he moved his hands away everyone yelled surprise. I looked around at everyone. Guys from the soccer team, coach Goldman, my dad, my uncles and aunts, friends, and Finn.

"Happy birthday Maxie," Finn wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek as we looked at everyone.

"Can I get a picture of the lovely couple?" My aunt asked and Finn was about to say something but I nodded and he smiled. "Awe you two are just adorable," she kissed my cheek and walked away. Finn unwrapped his arms and walked to his brothers as I ventured to my other family. Hugs and kisses along with words were spread. I got to my friends and they gave me tight hugs and funny words. Drew was 16 now and was getting his license soon.

"You gonna let me take you on a ride?" He smiled at me and I chuckled at him.

"If you mean in a car yes," he choked on his water and I patted his back. Finn walked up to us with his brothers and smiled at all of us.

"You alright there Drew?" Chase asked him and he nodded as he ran his hand through his hair. I smiled at him and Chase and Kayden gave me a nice hug.

"Why are you such a chicken?" Jackson walked up to us in a suit? He was on a call until he was closer and then hung up.

"Love you too bro," I rolled my eyes at him and Cal hugged him. They were a perfect couple and I'm glad there together.

"On the phone with a guy sorry," he hugged cal back and then planted a kiss on my forehead. My phone buzzed and I knew not to look at it, I still get weird text and calls all the time but nothing threatening.

'Happy birthday Maxine, all of us will celebrate soon' the text was the same as the others mostly. I didn't know the number nor the person sending it.

"Everyone if I could get your attention! All of us have created a slide show of Maxie's life for her birthday as a present," cal, Jordan, Caleb, and Jackson stood on the stage that my dad had put out there. A picture of me as a baby in my moms arms was put on the screen. Then it went to a play date with Cal and Jordan. It went through pictures of all of us until it got to new photos. Aiden, Sam and I. Pictures of Drew, Kayden, chase and I. Finn and I kissing and smiling. Zachery and I.

"I begged the boys to put this in the slideshow so I hope they did or else I'm just saying this to a camera," Finns face appeared making me smile. "Maxie I saw you in a rough patch at a lake near my house and even then you were beautiful," Finn chuckled and turned the camera to everyone sitting on the couches, then back to him. "I've fallen in love with the woman you became even after that. I want to be by your side and make you smile," he chuckled and I smiled at the video. "I want to hear your giggle when I make you bubbly. I want to see you blush when I say something stupid," that deserved some laughs.

"Do it!" Everyone yelled in the video to Finn making him chuckle.

"Maxie I want you to be my girlfriend. Big step I know but if he guys did put this in the video I want you to turn around," I turned around and saw Finn down on his knee looking up at me. A tear rolled down my cheek as I smiled.

"Maxie, will you take this promise ring that I give you?" He held out a shiny ring and his blue eyes made my heart skip. "To promise to one another that we are there for each other. That we will get married and make a family. To promise to make each other happy," he was about to speak again until I leaned down and kissed him. Everyone went wild and even though there wasn't a lot of people, it was loud.

"Yes! A thousand times yes," I told him as another happy tear went down my cheek.

"God I love you," he breathed and he pushed his lips against mine making me smile even more.

"God I love you too," I giggled at him after we had pulled away. He slipped the ring on my finger and every girl rushed to see it.

"Your so lucky," my aunt told me and I agreed. I had a family who loves me, friends who cares for me, and a guy I call my own that treats me right.

"I guess I am," I smiled at the ring and knew that I was gonna be happy with him.

Finn and I were gonna be old together. And I was gonna love it.

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