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"So we'll wait for you on the bleachers till practice is over," Cal said as him and the other two were walking me to the field.

"I swear if you get hit by him I'm gonna dig him in the ground," Jordan said but they all chuckled after he said it. My team was already on the field in there shorts and shirt.

"Pull your shorts down a little, there too short," Caleb said and I looked at him.

"I know there short, put if I pull them down they will see my red underwear so do you really want that?" I asked him and they just laughed and headed to the bleachers. I put my hair in a high pony tail and walked to the guys on my team.

"Hey captain Freak what's first on the agenda?" Marco said and everyone chuckled except the three beside me. Raymond, Zachery, and Alex.

"Wow that was so funny I forgot to laugh," I told him and I heard Alex chuckle Beside me.

"Just tell us what to do freak, I wanna get to Jessica," Austin said and was nudge by the others.

"Alright well how bout since you two are such comediens and your friends agree. We can do about 20 laps?" I chuckled when that was done and pulled my tank top down a little.

"Wait no that's unfair, you can't call that," Marco said as all his friends started hitting him and Austin.

"Actually she can, she's the captain and because you all are messing around. You four can sit out and stretch as they do 25," coach said and I turned to see he was pointing to me, Alex, Zachery, and Raymond. The others groaned and started to jog around the field.

I walked over to the benches where my water was. Alex was beside me and looked to me. "Hey Maxine I'm sorry, I really am. Sorry for being weird and stuff," he told me as he grabbed his own water and looked at me.

"It's fine. Well it's whatever actually, your friends hate me. Mine are annoyed," I pointed to the guys who were staring us down as I talked to him. "You don't have to fake being nice to me," I told him and looked at the 15 guys already panting around the field.

"But Maxine-" he said but stopped and reached for my right hand and squeezed it in his. "I'm not faking," he whispered and squeezed my hand again. I looked at the team who stopped jogging and Raymond and Zachery who were staring at us, then I turned my eyes to my friends who were already coming down the bleachers.

"Alex likes freak?" Marco whispered to his friends but it was so quiet that everyone heard him.

"Stop calling her a freak," Alex yelled and turned to Marco who backed away along with the others.

"Why should we? Your not scary and the only reason your a "bad boy" is because you were in jail for a little bit," Austin told him stepping closer. I pulled my hand away and backed up.

"See not even freak likes you," Parker said and Alex, well he was getting pissed off.

"Hey Parker, you should shut up because you don't know what's in her head and Alex is about to hurt you," Cal told him as they stood behind Alex.

"Cal your a pussy, you can't handle all of us," Austin chuckled and looked at me. "Plus the only reason you two hang with freak is because your dads are friends," I heard a bone snap and I shook my head as I pulled austins arm behind his back.

"Holy shit," Caleb and Jordan ran beside me and tried to pull me away from pulling his arm from his socket, Austin was screaming.

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