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"Go go go go shit," Jordan yelled as the guy in his favorite team gets tackled. Right now My dad, Alex, Jordan, and Cal were watching the football game. Jordan and my dad were cheering for one team as Alex, Cal and I cheered for the other.

"What the hell Jordan?" Cal said as we looked over at them.

"What? He stole my popcorn," Jordan said as we saw Cal with his hand on his forehead.

The door opened and closed. My dad stood up and the person walked into the room. "There you are," Jordan's dad said and my dad ran over there and put him in a head lock.

"What the hell?" Cal said as we looked at my dad putting Jordan's dad in a head lock.

"Oh yea Cal your dad is here too," Jordans dad said and all of a sudden cals dad tackled both ours too the ground.

"Oh god Logan wasn't expecting that," my dad said as they were laying on the ground laughing.

You see our dads were best friends since they were kids like us so that's how we know each other.

"When did we become the parents?" Jordan asked us as we watched our fathers acting like kids.

"I can still ground you," his dad chuckled as he stood up and helped his friends up also.

"Mr. Miller and Mr. Young why have you showed up to my home on this ok day," my dad said trying to be fancy, trying.

"Well Mr. White we were looking for our sons and thought why not pay a visit," Mr. Young (Cal's Dad) said and I looked over at Alex who was sitting there watching the whole thing.

"Hey dad I'm gonna take Alex home I'll be back later," I told them.

"Woah woah woah," all three dads and Cal and Jordan said at the same time looking at me.

"What? I'm a big girl," I told them and they looked over at Alex who looked so scared. All of a sudden my dad and Cal's dad was on one side of him on the couch as Jordans dad and Jordan was on the other side as Cal was standing over near me.

"Now what's your name again?" Mr. Miller (Jordan's dad) said as Alex looked to me for help.

"Um Alex sir," he coughed and looked at me for help again.

"What's your intentions with Miss White?" Mr. Young said and I groaned grabbing his hand and taking him out of the room to the door.

"I'll see you guys later," I yelled to them and closed the door. "They are complete children," i said as we started walking.

"You were awake in the car weren't you?" Alex asked me as he looked at me for a second and I nodded "ok" he whispered running his hand through his dirty blonde hair.

"You live a block from here right?" I asked and he chuckled nodding. "You don't hate me?" I asked him and he stopped so I turned to him and saw him staring at me.

"Do you think I do?" He asked looking down at his red vans that he changed into.

"You said in the car that you didn't hate me," I said as I stared at him. All of a sudden a sound of beeping and whistles drove past us and I cliched my fist.

"JERKS!" I yelled and looked at Alex. "Come on I shouldn't be gone long or the 5 of them will come after you," I told him and started walking as he caught up with his hands in his pockets.

It wasn't silent since our shoes would hit the concrete or a rock as we walked on the side walk. He wasn't talking and I wasn't talking. Once we got to his house a little boy ran out of it only wearing teenage mutant ninja turtles shorts and no shirt.

"I'll see you at school" Alex whispered as he caught the little boy and smiled.

I started heading back to my house looking down at my feet, kicking tiny pebbles until I got back and walked through the door to see them yelling and cussing about the game on tv. I snuck in making sure they didn't hear or see me as I snuck behind the couch jumping and scaring them. All them screamed like girls flying in the air.

"What the hell Max?" Cal yelled at me as they all panted.

"You should have seen your faces, who won by the way?" I asked laughing a little as I sat next to Jordan and Cal.

"Yours," Jordan grumbled and I hit his shoulder.  "What was that for? You punch like a guy," he said rubbing his shoulder.

"For fun," I shrugged and saw the dads laughing at us.

"What's so funny?" Cal asked them and they looked at each of us then themselves.

"Cal is the weakest Jordan is eh and Maxie is the strongest," Cal's dad said and cal groaned at him.

"I think Jordan is the weakest Cal is eh and Maxie is the strongest," Jordans dad said looking over at Cal's dad.

"How come we are the weakest?" Jordan and Cal saying at the same time with a frown.

"There just saying that because I was the strongest of us three," my dad said turning the tv off.

"You should be proud that you have dads like us," Cal's and Jordan's dad said chuckling at probably memories they had.

"Um we should leave right," Jordan said nervously looking at me.

"Hey I want to spend the night, dad can I?" Cal asked and Cal's dad looked over at mine.

"Um if it's alright with Blake then sure," He said as my dad nodded yes.

"Jordan do you want to stay too?" My dad asked him and he nodded looking to me but I made him think I didn't notice.

"Alright well I got to get back to livvy," Jordan's dad said walking to the door with Cal's dad leaving in seconds.

"The basement is already stacked so go ahead down, I need to change from my soccer stuff," I told them as I headed upstairs to my room and closing it, locking it and changing into my "tomboys rule" tank top with black shorts.

My phone chimed as I made my way to the basement, I didn't recognize the number, but I read the text anyways.

"Maxie keeping secrets is hard but meet me at the school at 10. I'll be waiting,"

I turned off my phone and went downstairs to my friends who were already gaming.

Am I really going? Who even is this? Maybe it's Raymond and he just wants to hit me? But he or she called me Maxie.

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