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"Wake up please," I heard a voice whispering to me. I felt my hand being grabbed tightly.

"Sam we should go home," another voice whispered as I slowly grabbed the hand back.

"Aiden I swear to fucking god she squeezed my hand," He said all excited.

"Sam you said that like an hour ago, everyone already went home. I'm leaving," Aiden said leaving Sam and I alone.

"I'm sorry ok? I should have helped you," He said sounding upset. "I should have done something," he said squeezing my hand. He chuckled "our kiss was awesome, I wanted it longer," he whispered as he raised my hand to kiss it.

"S-Sam," I whispered with my eyes still closed.

"I'm here Maxie, shh, I'm here," he whispered and held onto my hand tightly.

"Sam e-ease up on my hand," I chuckled and he laughed letting it go slightly.

"Sorry but I was worried, I'm such a dummy and I should have helped you when you came to me," he said looking down at the bed.

"It's okay, I should have believed you when you punched him," I told him trying to sit up but wincing as my Rib cage started to hurt.

"The doctor wants you to lie down till tomorrow. If your feeling fine you can leave," He explained as he stood up and closed the door.

"And what about soccer? I can't leave the season now," I tried to sit up again and Sam raised the bed up. "Thanks,"

"No problem and coach said if your not able to play you can still be the captain," Sam said sitting in his chair next to my bed.

"Isn't your aunt worried where you are?" I asked him as he reached into his bag and pulled out a bag of chips.

"Aiden will explain, want some?" He asked opening the bag I reached my hand in and grabbed a couple.

"Did you like London?" I asked making him chuckle slightly while eating his chips.

"I loved it. I knew the whole place but I love this place more," he said smiling while eating.

"Why? Literally this place is boring, there's nothing fun," I said popping one of the chips in my mouth.

"Your here," he said looking up at me. He sat the bag on the side table next to the bed. "Maxie I love this place because I met you. I have more friends. Yes London is beautiful but I like this place better because of all the new faces," He explained using his hands making me smile. "If you could travel anywhere, in where on earth where would you go?" He asked making me think about it.

"I've wanted to see the London eye," he chuckled and pulled out his phone and turned it to me.

"This is the London eye, its 443 feet tall and at the top you can see everything except the people that live below it." He told me as I stared at the London eye on his phone.

"I meant actually ride on it. See the place with my own eyes," I told him reaching over and grabbing a chip.

"If you got to the top what would you do?" He asked me sliding his phone back in his pocket.

"I'd draw every detail to create a picture of the London eye," I said closing my eyes and imaging what it would be like.

"And what would happen if I took you to a tall hill in this very town?" He asked me rubbing his thumb against my hand.

"What?" I asked opening my eyes to him. He lifted his eyes to mine. His eyes were not only green but hints of yellow and blue mixed in. His hair was a mess and all over the place.

"What would you do if I took you-" he began saying but I shook my head.

"I know what you said but what do you want me say?" I asked sitting up on my own a little more.

"I want you to say what you think you would do," he said leaning back against the back of the chair smiling or smirking, I can't tell the difference.

"Probably lay down if it was night and count the stars in the sky," I said closing my eyes.

"And if it was day?" He asked as I kept my eyes closed.

"I would draw the sun and trees. Draw you sitting next to me on the hill," I chuckled and imagined how interesting it would be.

"Ok if all of us took you to a beach what would you do then?" He chuckled and watched me imagine.

"We would go in the ocean and mess around and come back to the shore. Probably play soccer and then Cal would fall and trip Jordan," we chuckled "we would all stay out there till night and tell stories like your aunt unclogging the toilet," We laughed and I opened my eyes to see him. A smiling guy who likes the tomboy in me. Another person I can trust and believe in.

"Now think about where you want to go now," he said again looking at me.

"Here," I whispered and he smiled. He lifted his hand and high fived himself.

"I am so good," he chuckled as I smiled and then frowned.

"You do know you can go home now, you don't have to stay with me," I told him as I saw how he looked kinda tired.

"Nah. Aidens little brother is annoying, plus I like keeping you company it's fun," he chuckled and closed his eyes and put his hands in his pocket. I stayed quiet and watched him.

I watched as his nose twitches slightly and how he shivers slightly. I stood up and put a blanket over him. I felt the thing I was wearing and put on my panties and my shorts. I had my back to him and pulled the thing over my head and slipped my shirt on.

"Woah you changed infront of me," Sam chuckled and I turned to look at him. He's eyes were closed again.

"I don't like these hospital gowns, they show my you know," I chuckled fixing my shirt and laying back on the bed slowly.

"Your bum?" He said chuckling as he opened one eye and looked at me.

"Yes my bum now get some rest. School awaits us tomorrow," I said leaning back into the pillows.

"Give me one of scoot over," he told me so I sat up and handed him a pillow as he got comfy.

"Night Sammy," I told him closing my eyes.

"Night Maxie," he whispered back as darkness turned into a nightmare

'Little miss Tomboy' Raymond chuckled as I was limping down the halls.

'Funny Now help me!' He chuckled and grabbed the bag off my back and helping me through the halls.

'So I heard that your not going to the dance with him anymore," he said as he wrapped his arm around my neck.

'I'm limping for a reason-" I chuckled before getting kneed in the gut.

'Stay down now' I looked up seeing Caleb. He was chuckling with Cal and Jordan as they looked down at me.

I woke up shaking

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