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"Morning Maxie," Sam yawned with a raspy accent as he sat up in the chair he slept in. I looked over at him and stretched a little.

"Morning," I whispered as I sat up and leaned against the pillows.

"Feel like going to school?" He asked ruffling his hair as his accent was still sleeping through his deep morning voice.

"Um sure. Will you get a doctor maybe?" I asked as he started standing up and walked out of the door. I looked at the door and turned my eyes away when he walked back in with a tall doctor with little hair on his head.

"Good morning Miss White, I see your feeling much better," he said looking at a clipboard and I nodded smiling.

"Alright well we just need your parents signature to let you out since your under 18," he told me and I groaned.

"Your dads at work isn't he?" Sam asked me and I nodded.

"I can call him to come here. He'll be glad that your awake," the doctor told me and I nodded and laid back down.

"Hey it's gonna be ok," Sam said sitting next to me and grabbing my hand rubbing his thumb over it softly.

"Young love is the beautifulest thing," the doctor chuckled and we didn't say anything. We didn't know what to say. "Now letting you go back to school is ok but you should probably wear a wrap around your waist," he said putting the board back down.

"She's our soccer captain. Is she still able to do activity stuff?" Sam asked looking over at the doctor.

"It's okay as long as she doesn't do too much and to make sure she's very hydrated," the doctor said walking to the phone and dialing a number. "Yes, call her father to let him know she's awake and type a note up for her," he put the phone back down and walked out of the room.

"Well miss 1st and 2nd period but art, lunch and the rest should be fine," he told me as I saw his green eyes staring into my hazel ones.

"I hate art," I grumbled and sat up against the pillows. Sam chuckled.

"Your amazing at it and you don't like it because of whose in it," he said as someone ran through the door. We looked at it and saw my dad.

"Oh thank the lord, this fucking hospital scared the shit out of me I thought you died," he panted and walked over to the side same wasn't on and kissed my forehead.

"Thanks dad I'm glad you thought the worst to be fast," I said looking at him smiling.

"So your okay right, your stomach is fine?" He asked and his eyes moved to Sam. "Did you stay the whole night son?" He asked and sat in the other chair.

"Yes sir," Sam nodded and smiled letting my hand go.

"I'm fine Dad. The doctor even said I could go to school," I told him but he frowned.

"Maxine I know your tough but I don't think you should go that school anymore," he told me as he leaned back in the chair.

"Sir, I know what happened is very horrible but all the guys and I think it's better if she stays with us then be alone in another school," Sam said leaving his hand on the bed.

"Well I'm her father and I make the decisions for her," I looked at the both of them.

"Dad I want to stay there with them," I told him sitting up and sliding my hand closer to sams.

"Come on let's go then," My dad smiled and stood up reaching for my hand to help me stand up.

"Dad if its ok im gonna go to school with Sam and come home after practice." I told him while we walked down the halls to the front office and doors.

"Sam may I speak with you alone then?" My dad said after signing the papers so I walked ahead of them and tried to stay close to listen till we got to my dad's car.

"You have my word sir," Sam said as we got in my dads car and he dropped us off at school. Sam and I walked into the office and signed in and went to class.

"You fucking asshole," I heard Alex yell when we got to the door.

"What do you mean?" Raymond's voice chuckled.

"You could have killed her," Zachery yelled making me back up against Sam.

"Shh stay quiet," He whispered in my ear and went into the classroom leaving me alone in the hallway.

"s-shes gone," Sam said stuttering walking into the room. everyone gasped and I heard Sam grab something and almost falling.

"Sam, what do you mean shes gone?" I heard Zachery say and I covered my mouth from laughing.

"I stayed at the hospital waiting for her to wake up and then fell asleep when I woke up s-s-she w-was....." It went silent until someones chair scrapped across the ground.

"She cant be dead, please say your joking," I heard Raymond yell and Sam stayed silent. "n-no oh my god," He stuttered.

"she wouldn't wake up," Sam whispered as I heard a couple people sob.

"Raymond help me," I whispered into the room making everyone gasp.

"Oh my god shes gonna haunt your bully ass," a random guys voice said. I heard footsteps come to the door and sam reached for my hand and pulled me in.

"APRIL FOOLS!!!!" Sam yelled making Raymond go white and everyones eyes turn to us. "Now everyone get out now!" Sam said making everyone run out of the room.

"Your a good actor," I told him sitting in my normal seat making me smile when he sat close next to me.

he leaned in and kissed my cheek softly as his lips slowly disconnected from my cheek making me go warm.

"Hey sam is Maxie ok?" I heard from the door as I looked over and saw the guys.

"Hmm let me see, Maxie you ok?" He looked at me as the others turned and started jumping up and down.

"Yep im fine." I said chuckling as they all ran over to me making me fall onto the ground as they doggy pile on top of me.

"Guys your gonna hurt her get of," Sam yelled as I felt a sharp pain into my side.

the guys scattered off me and Caleb pulled me up off the ground. "you ok?" he asked as I rubbed my sides and nodded. I walked to the door and was about to walk out when sam said something.

"your not allowed to be alone," he told me so I waved my hand for them to follow and headed to the bathroom. "Go on just scream if someone is in there," sam told me as i walked in and lifted the wrap up to see the bruise and groaned.

"Some joke Maxine.............."

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