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At the movies there was a fight on to what to see. An action movie, scary Movie, or comedy. The action movie seemed stupid so it was ruled out, comedy had already been seen so we decided on the scary movie.

"Are you sure about this?" Jordan stuttered looking at the previews. Jackson and Cal sat next to each other. Jordan, Caleb, and Aiden sat beside them. Chase and Kayden sat near them. Sam then me then Finn was beside them and Drew sat next to Finn.

"You could go get popcorn if you really wanted to," I chuckled and he nodded, he stood up and took off to the snack bar. The movie started and Finn snuck his hand into mine in the dark. Sam being the sly funny dog he is wrapped his arm around my neck. Finn turned to me and scolded Sam for what he did.

"Tell him to get off of you," Finn leaned into my ear and whispered, Drew turned to him and pulled him back.

I stood up and went to the bathroom. I stared into the mirror and closed my eyes and opened them, I saw Alex behind me and my smile went into a straight line. "How are you Maxie?" His voice chuckled. I turned away and turned back, he disappeared.

I closed my eyes again and heard the door open, I didn't open my eyes and stood in front of the mirror and sink. I felt two arms wrap around my waist and opened them slowly. "Hey," Finn whispered into my ear making me smile and close my eyes again. "Are you ok?" He moved my hair and kissed my neck gently and made my heart skip and my skin tingle.

"I just don't like drama," I closed my eyes and put my hands over my eyes. Finn rested his face in my neck.

"I can help you with that," he whispered and I smiled at his words, I turned around to face him and he smiled down at me.

"Let's get back to the movie," I smiled at him and he chuckled.

"Oh so you want to do it later?" He bit his lip and smirked down at me. I chuckled and pulled him out of the ladies room and we walked back to our seats.

"You ok?" Sam whispered and I nodded to him, he turned his head back to the movie and I did too. Finn held my hand and squeezed it slightly when the movie got scary and I squeezed back. Once it was over we went back to my house and invited Zachery and Raymond over.

"Let's play never have I ever!" Chase suggested so we sat in a circle and Finn and drew we're next to me. "Ok I'll go first. Never have I ever kissed someone that I didn't know," Jackson, Sam, Aiden, Zachery, and Raymond put a finger down along with Jordan and Caleb.

"Never have I have ever gone skinny dipping," Kayden chuckled. Jordan, cal, Caleb, Jackson, Finn, Raymond, Sam, and I put a finger down. All of them looked at me shocked at least.

"When?" Jackson questioned and I rolled my eyes at him.

"I don't need to tell every story," I chuckled and next was Aiden.

"Never have I ever run naked in the snow," Aiden laughed at Sam.

"Arsehole," Sam put his finger down along with Jordan and I.

"Again When?" Jackson asked me and I laid down.

"Again not telling you," I chuckled and closed my eyes.

"Never have I ever gotten make up put on me," Sam yelled making Aiden punch him. Aiden, Cal, and Raymond put a finger down.

"Never have I ever kissed someone of the same gender," Jordan said and I scolded him for that. Cal and Jackson put a finger down.

"Never have I ever jerked off to Maxie," cal said making Jordan punch him and Jackson punch Jordan. Almost ever guys finger went down except Chase, Kayden, Jackson, and drew.

"Never have I ever gone to school in underwear," Caleb laughed when Jordan and Cal put there fingers down. "Jordan is out!" Caleb laughed and turned to Zachery who was next to him.

"Never have I ever kissed someone with a disease," Zachery chuckled. Raymond put a finger down. "Raymond out!"

"Never have I ever cheated or helped cheat on someone," Drew said. Zachery, Sam, Finn, Kayden, Chase, Caleb, and Aiden. "Sam's out!" Drew chuckled.

"Never have I ever peed my bed till I was 7," Finn chuckled and turned to his brothers. They put a finger down and zachery followed.

"Never have I ever got beaten by a girl at something," I chuckled as many of the boys out there fingers down like Cal, Jackson, Caleb, Zachery, Aiden, and Drew. "Cal and Zachery is out," I smiled and leaned back.

"Never have I ever had on a bikini," Jackson chuckled making me blush.

"I hate you sometimes," I put a finger down and smiled.

"Never have I ever broken a bone," Chase smiled as a Finn, Jackson, Aiden, Drew, Kayden, and I put a finger down.

"Never have I ever dumped a girl on Valentine's Day," Kayden smiled at Chase making him groan.

"Never have I ever stolen an animal," drew smiled at the twins who put there fingers down. It made some laugh and some gasp.

"Never have I ever peed my pants at school," Finn laughed making his brothers punch him.

"Y'all two are out now," I smiled at them and they groaned. "I can't think of one," I groaned and Finn raised his hand.

"Never have I ever snuck away to a lake," Finn chuckled and I smiled at him and put my last finger down. Finn and Drew were looking at each other until Drew smirked.

"Never have I ever fallen in actual love with Maxie," Drew kept his smirk at Finn and It made Finn frown. They guys stared at Finn until he put his finger down and smiled at me.

"You love Maxie?"Kayden looked at Finn and he nodded slowly.

"Tell her," drew nudged Finn making me ruffle his hair.

"I-" before Finn spoke someone knocked on the door, Jackson walked over to it and opened it. Chloe walked in with make up ran in and hugged Finn.

"I'm sorry please take me back I'm a mess without you," it was silent ever she said that.

"I-" Finn was about to speak when Chloe's crying got louder.

"Please Finn I love you and I need you to be with me," Chloe's voice was choked and I felt Sams eyes on me as I looked at the two.

"Shh your ok calm down," Finn stuttered and patted her back lightly. I walked to my room and closed the door.

"It's ok come here," Sam followed me and held his arms open. He pulled me close into him and held me as I hugged him back. "He's a dummy if he chooses her over you," Sam chuckled and I felt the vibrations come from his chest.

"T-thank you," I stuttered and he rubbed my back slowly making me calm down easier.

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