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"Scrimmage?" I asked as all the guys panted after they ran 15 laps. I mean I ran with them but I've done it a lot.

"How are you not panting again?" Sam asked me pulling his white tank top up to wipe his forehead.

"You boys want to scrimmage or run again? I'm able to," I shrugged and heard them say a lot of No's.

"I call team Captain!" Aiden yelled and ran to beside me.

"I also call of the captain!" Alex yelled chuckling.

"Don't choose stupidly," I called over to them as I walked to the line of guys and standing between Sam and Caleb. Sam started saying a story of when Aiden slid down a hill on a wash board.

"Samuel Lester," Aiden yelled as he collected his team and Alex yelled for Caleb. I looked over and saw Zachery and I were the only two left.

"Ms. White would you please join my team?" Aiden said bowing a little as his ruffled hair fell into his eyes.

I chuckled and walked over to his team as Zachery walked over to Alex. We began playing as Caleb kicked the ball to Zachery who rainbowed it too Marco.

"You all playing fancy aren't ya?" Aiden chuckled trying to get it from Marco as Sam came up and got it.

"Olay Olay Olay," Aiden yelled running down the field.

I ran farther down as Sam passed to Aiden, Aiden dribbled past Parker and passed to me. I saw an open shot between Michael and the goal so I took it. It was like slow motion as it went passed his arm and into the goal.

Sam ran over to me and lifted me up by my legs. And chanted with Aiden in his accent "Olay Olay Olay," I chuckled and tried to get free.

"Put me down!" I yelled while laughing.

"Enjoy the ride Maxie," Sam chuckled as he carried and ran me to our side as the team got ready and he set me down.

Alex kicked the ball to Zachery and he ran down and kicking the ball between Stevens legs and made the goal.

"Good job Z," Alex said running back to there side and Zachery shrugged.

Aiden kicked the ball to Daniel who ran with it and passed to me. I kicked it between Calebs legs as he chuckled and I passed it to Sam who kicked it over Zachery and went into the goal.

"OLAY OLAY OLAY," Aiden chanted as he jumped on Sams back.

"What the hell is Olay?" Caleb asked and Aiden chuckled.

"It's a fun chant to yell during Soccer," Sam said as he dropped Aiden.

"Alright Boys and Max. Practice is over. Get home and do your work," Coach yelled as the guys headed back to the locker room and I headed to mine.

I heard the door open as I put on my shirt. "Hello?" I questioned and walked to my bag and grabbed Pepper spray.

"Maxie?" I heard a deep voice say and put the spray down.

"Why are you in the girls locker room Zachery?" I asked as I pulled on Calebs sweatshirt.

The door locked clicked. I heard his boots come closer. "Are you decent?" He asked stopping in his tracks.

"Yes," I said and saw him turn the corner and looked at me. "What do you need?" I asked turning my back to him and getting my bag out of the locker. He said nothing but I felt him staring at me. "Zachery?" I turned to him and saw him biting his lip.

"Um are you actually gonna show at the park?" He asked and leaned against the wall.

"Yeah, I was gonna walk," I said turning back around and pulled my phone out. I stayed turned around and felt two hands on my hips and was pulled back against a hard chest.

"Maxie I'm so sorry for doing what I did," he whispered into my neck as I felt something against my bum.

"I-it's ok Zachery," I stuttered as he rubbed my hips slowly.

"MAXINE YOU OK?" Aiden yelled at the door way.

"Yea I'm fine," I said as Zachery put his head in my neck and kissed and sucked it softly.

"What's taking you so long then?" Cal asked as Zachery bit my neck.

"Having trouble hooking my bra," I said trying not to say something stupid.

"Oh, take your time," Jordan yelled. Zachery chuckled into my neck and let me go and turned my to face him.

"I'll see you at six Maxie," He said as he sat down.

"Ya um see you," I stuttered grabbing my stuff and walking out of the Locker room very flushed.

"Are heading to your house now?" Caleb asked Jordan as we walked down the hall. Aiden was talking to Sam and Cal. Caleb was talking to Alex and Jordan. Me? I was thinking of what happened in that room. The door opened when we were halfway down. The guys turned around and saw Zachery In the hall.

"Why did you leave the lockers so soon?" Alex asked him as he walked to his friend.

"Oh um I was going to look for some one but they already left," He shrugged and our eyes met. He smirked when his eyes went to my neck. I pulled my hair over my shoulder as he frowned.

"Oh ok, hey I'm gonna hang with Zach," Alex said turning to us.

"Nah it's ok, I have to watch my brother," Zachery said starting to back away

"Come on Maxie," Sam lifted me up and started laughing. The guys followed as Zachery walked out.

"So are we all going to Jordan's?" Aiden asked as we headed to the parking lot.

"I can't. I have to help my dad," I lied as Sam put me down on the ground.

"Awe that sucks," Cal said as we stood all together.

"Help with what exactly?" Caleb asked saying a little supiously, I pulled my hair closer to my neck.

"I think my uncle is coming from Kentucky so probably cleaning out the guest room," I shrugged pulling my bag closer to my shoulder.

"Do you want us to give you a ride?" Jordan asked and I shook my head.

"I'll walk," I smiled and looked around at them. "I'll text y'all later," I told them and turned.

"Wait give me your phone," Aiden said and I chuckled.

"Why would I do that?" I asked as I pulled out my phone. He grabbed it from my hand and tried to get in.

"What's your password?" He asked starring at my phone, I took it back and entered my moms birthday and handed it back. He typed and then handed it to Sam who typed in something and handed it back.

"What did you do?" Caleb asked as I looked at my phone then put it away.

"Put in our numbers," Aiden said and got in a car as Sam followed. Cal got in the back of His car and let Caleb drive and Jordan in the front. Alex got in beside Cal and I headed down the sidewalk to the park.

I smiled down at my sneakers as I was closer to the park.

But frowned when I saw who was there...

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