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"Aren't you so beautiful," Alex whispered into my ear once he ripped my shirt off of me. I was still wiggling around trying to get free but he was holding my wrist so tight that they were turning purple. There was a knock at my door and Alex turned to look at it.

"Maxie?" Jackson said and I screamed against Alex's hand but nothing came out.

"Yea she's on the phone," Alex said making me scream and wiggle louder and so he slapped me hard. My cheek burned with my tears.

"What was that?" Jackson questioned as he wiggled the door knob but it was locked.

"I fell off the bed," Alex chuckled as he slid his hand down my bare stomach.

"Max open the door!" Jackson yelled making me scream against his hand. Alex's hand slid down in my shorts and I couldn't get free.

"You shut the fuck up got it?" Alex whispered once his hand slipped into my underwear, I tried to push him away but I was trapped.

"Maxine!" Jackson kept banging on the door and turning the knob and once Alex was touching me where no one should touch I was crying and whimpering. Jackson soon went quiet making me go as well.

"Mm good girl," Alex whispered sucking my neck, I whimpered and cried knowing I wouldn't get away now. I gave up my body has been used and I knew nothing will change that. I was shirtless with him holding me down and doing such horrible things.

The door knob turned and I couldn't look over at who it was. Alex turned and looked over at who it was and chuckled. "Look who's here darling," Alex said making me look over at my friends, my brother, and Zachery.

"Get off of her you asshole!" Sam yelled rushing over to us. I turned my head away from them.

"You take a step closer I'll make her bleed," Alex said putting a knife against my skin. I shook under him and tried to get free.

"Let her go!" Jackson yelled at Alex but all he did was chuckle and push the knife against my skin making me scream and cry again.

"Alex please let her go," Zachery said making Alex turn and look at him and down at me.

"Why should I?" Alex asked as I turned my eyes away from him and cried more.

"Give me the knife and we can get through this right Maxie?" He asked me and Alex looked towards me like every one else and I nodded quickly.

"Alex hand me the knife," Zachery said stepping closer to my bed and Alex pushed it against my skin again. "Please do it for Alyssa," Zachery whispered making Alex handed him the knife slowly. Zachery pulled him off me and I cried where I laid. My cheeks were red and my eyes were probably bloodshot.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry," Alex repeated once Zachery was holding him close to his chest shushing him. My brother took off to me and pulled me on to his lap and held me close to his chest.

"Shh," he kissed my head as I cried more. "We're here," he pulled me closer and the others crowded around and cal sat beside Jackson.

"Come on Alex let's go downstairs," Zachery walked him out of my room and I heard sirens out side and stopped crying. Jackson held me close to him and I just stared off into deep space.

"Sir's we need a statement from all of you and we have an ambulance for her," A tall guy in a officer clothing said at my door.

"Will one of you grab her a shirt?" Jackson asked as he stood up still holding me.

"Here," Sam said as he handed Jackson one of my favorite shirts from my closet and Jackson slid it on me and carried me outside. Many people were standing around asking what was going on.

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