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"Rock and roll," Cal yelled walking into his house. After practice we headed over to his house. "Drew are you descent!?" Cal yelled as we all crowded in to the room.

"You always ask him that," Jordan says making Cal chuckle and walk into the room where drew was sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Did you bring the British guy?" Drew asked as he turned the tv off and jumped up and ran to me, squeezing me tightly. "Oh my god Maxie I saw what those guys did I'm so glad your okay," he's grip got tighter around my waist as the guys yelled to stop.

"Drew let her go she's in pain," Cal yelled making drew let go and me sighing as my hip stopped hurting so bad.

"The guy should be arrested," Jordan said going and sitting on the couch and leaning back.

"Agreed," Caleb said leaning against the wall as Aiden and Sam walked into the rest of the house.

"So Maxie I heard your brother is coming back into town," Drew said making everyone turn to him as I looked at the guys and saw them shaking there heads.

"What do you mean?" I asked stepping closer to drew.

"He meant nothing just forget it Maxie," Jordan said as I turned to the rest of the guys.

"Guys we can't hide stuff from her," Drew said making Caleb and Cal slap him in the back of the head.

"Shut the fuck up drew," I heard cal whisper to drew.

My brother and I never had a good relationship. He's 6 years older then me and he always hated me. Right now he is 24 and living in Florida. My dad and him were close when mom left so I had Cal and Jordan to help me till Jackson started acting different.

"Your dad told us your brother was coming home at the hospital," Sam said as I turned to him.

"When is he suppose to get here?" I looked around at the guys until my phone beeped.

"Today," Aiden whispered as I looked at my phone and saw my dad texted me to come home.

"I have to go home. Thanks guys. I'm glad I'm able to trust you," I sarcastically remarked and grabbed my bag and headed home.

I'm done with them lying to me. It's probably gonna get worst with Jackson here. Thanks a lot world I can always trust you.

I walked through the door of my house and walked into the living room seeing Jackson and my dad talking. "There's Maxie. Where were you?" My dad asked standing up and hugging me loosely.

"Cal invited me over after practice sorry," I told him and looked over at Jackson.

"Aren't you gonna say hi to your sister you haven't seen her since you were 17," my dad smiled and starred at Jackson as he stood up in his Blue jeans and Black shirt.

"It's fine dad, Nice to see you Jackson. I have to finish my homework," I nodded and looked at my dad who frowned.

"I invited Ms. Ryder over also. She's bringing her Two sons," my dad smiled and walked into the kitchen.

Zacherys family: Momma Ryder. Zachery who is 18 and his brother who is 19. I don't actually know his name but Zachery doesn't talk about him much.

"Dad I'm going to my room too," I heard Jackson yell as he followed me up the stairs and I turned into my room and he went to his.

I finished my homework and soon after I put my stuff back in my bag the door bell rang.

"Zach do you mind going and getting Maxie?" I heard my dad ask so I walked out my room before Zachery got there and told Jackson to come on.

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