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I woke up in the same place by the lake. The sky was a dark blue and I checked my phone seeing it was 5:27. I had dozens of text messages from the guys and Zachery.

"This is torture," I groaned as I stood up from the soft grass and started walking to the trail back to the road. There wasn't birds chirping instead there was frogs croaking and the trees swayed in the wind.

When I got to the road I didn't think about going home so I just walked to school. Cars went by and this little old woman stopped beside me.

"Hi sweetheart are you ok? Where ya headed?" She asked and I smiled at her.

"I'm fine and I'm going to school. I guess I didn't get enough sleep last night," we both laughed and she smiled over at me.

"Alright you be careful and don't take a ride from someone you don't know," I looked over at her and she laughed and I joined her. She drove away soon. The sun was up and it was 6:40 and I was near school. I could hear the hormonal teens.

'No one will bother me today. I won't allow it' I thought it and got to school at 7:15. I was early but I sat by my locker. I drew a lot and stood up when more people arrived.

"Hey Maxie," Zachery said as he ran beside me and wrapped his arm around my neck.

"Hey," I whispered as I grabbed a book from my locker and headed to math as he walked me to class.

"Should I expect a beating from someone?" He asked as we turned a corner and many people turned there heads to us.

"I left as soon as you did," I whispered and he stopped and looked at me in shock.

"Where did you sleep?" He asked as I saw one of the guys looking for me.

"A friends house," I looked into his green eyes but I could see he didn't believe me.

"Tell me the truth please," he reached for my hand making my lip quiver.

"I slept-" I got cut off when all the guys finally appeared beside us.

"Oh my god thank god your ok," Caleb said lifting me off the ground making Zachery let go of my hand.

"We were so worried about you," the guys hugged me and I looked around for Zachery but saw he had walked away with his hands in his jean pockets.

"Guys put me down and leave me alone. Just till the day and practice is over," I said and he put me down and they made a passage way so I walked to my class and sat away from cal.

"Talk to me ok. I've known you forever," cal whispered to me as he sat behind me.

"Cal will you start telling me the truth?" I asked and he went silent.

"What do you mean?" He asked stuttering a little so I turned to him.

"Everything. You, Jordan, and I told each other everything to you guys liking a girl or about my mom and I want that again," I said and tried to hint about the liking part.

"We can though Maxie. We really can," he whispered and I looked at him and saw his lips were a little swollen but not too much. Must have went down.

"Cal are you gay?" I whispered and he stopped and looked anywhere else but me.

"No no no. I like girls I like them," he repeatedly said so I sat next to him before the teacher walked in.

"I know Cal and it's ok and I'm fine with you and my brother," I told him and he looked over at me shocked.

"What are you talking about?" He stuttered making me feel like I was hurting him.

"It's ok," I smiled and hugged him tight to me. I guess I'm the only one that knows or at least I think.

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