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"You what?" Jordan stepped closer to me and I wiped a tear away.

"I'll speak at the hearing," I said and rubbed my throat as it burned once again. They looked at me confused at first until they were all standing.

"Are you-" Sam began but I nodded my head and he stopped. I rubbed my hands together and noticed how rough they were, looking down at my hands I saw my bruised wrist and my kinda red hands.

"Ok," Dad said and it went silent once again, my phone rang and pulled it out of my pocket and clicked answer.

"Hello?" My raspy voice answered the phone as they once again stared at me. It was silent till a voice spoke out.

"Hey Maxie," I didn't recognize the voice and held the phone to my ear. "You don't remember my voice darlin?" The guy chuckled and I had a confused look on my face. The guys stared confused along with my dad. "Jude?" The guy chuckled and I pulled the phone from my ear and hung up.

"Who was it?" Aiden asked and I put my phone back in my pocket and coughed. My dad walked to me and hugged me gently. I hugged him back and he headed up to his office and the door closed quietly.

"You should get some rest," Jackson said and they walked over to me.

"I'm fine," I whispered and covered my wrist. They turned and went into the kitchen so I followed and sat on the counter.

"Are you okay Maxie?" Drew asked as he sat next to me with his arm around my neck. I smiled and nodded at him, he's such a sweet boy to his friends. "I have to head out soon," he whispered to me and I nodded as the guys stared at us.

"I can take you home Drew," Cal said and I heard Jackson about to object but he knew he had to stop.

"I can get mom. You'd probably want to stay here with her," Drew chuckled and leaned his head on my shoulder.

"We can watch her," Aiden pointed in and I shook my head.

"I don't need to be watched. I'm 18 years old," my voice felt worse and it was as if I was going threw puberty again.

"Too bad we're watching ya," Sam chuckled and I groaned at him.

"All of you go home. I'm fine," I said and they didn't say anything, they turned there heads.

"But your not fine," Caleb whispered. I looked at them all as they were looking a different direction and some at each other.

"Your hearing him every where," Jordan said and Drew had gotten down and walked to his brother.

"You break down every time you walk into your room," Cal said and once again I held my bruised wrists. I didn't cry and I didn't get off of the counter.

"I want to be alone now please everyone get out. Even you Jackson," I said and felt there eyes back on me. I was starring at my wrist until I heard the front door close.

I got off the counter and went to the guest room where my tea was and took a sip of it. It wasn't hot anymore and I went to my room to walk around in it.

'Never the same' I thought as I looked at the picture of my mom and I on swings at the park. I walked over to my drawers and pulled it out slowly, I saw drawing journals and papers with little doodles.

I made my bed and laid on the top of all of it. I put my arms behind my head and dozed off. Laying there and I didn't wake up.

I opened my eyes slowly and sun was shining into my window. I'd have to go to school today so when I turned and saw my clock saying 10 I jumped out of my bed and threw on a new shirt and new shorts. I grabbed my bag and rushed down the stairs and saw my dad and Jackson sitting on the couch.

"Woah calm down what's wrong?" My dad ran over to me and put his hands on my shoulders gently. He looked into my eyes and I rubbed my throats before speaking.

"I have school," my raspy voice pushed out and my dad turned to Jackson. He turned the tv off and walked over to us.

"You should stay home today," Jackson suggested but it sounded like a statement. I turned to dad and saw him nodding his head so I shook my head.

"I have soccer. I want to go," I told them and they both sighed and Jackson grabbed his keys and drove me to school.

"Text me between every class," Jackson said once we entered the school and everyone's eyes turned to us, it went silent as Jackson put his hand on my back and walked me to the office and got me signed in. He kissed my forehead and walked out.

"Maxie! My captain how are ya?" Coach Goldman saw me in the halls as I headed for my locker.

I rubbed my throat again and smiled at him, "I've lost my voice but I'm good. How are you?" He smiled and messed up my hair making me chuckle.

"I'm good and I'm here to talk Maxie," He gave me a side hug and went into the office. I dropped my bag off in my locker and headed to the class I was suppose to be in which was art. Zachery and Raymond I haven't heard from since the fair so when I walked in and everyone was silent. Even them I didn't know what to do.

"Maxie? I thought you were staying home," Sam walked over to my side and led me to my normal seat. I covered my bruised wrists with my long sweatshirt and put the hood over my head.

"How was he?" Miranda stood by my side chopping her gum near me so I kept my head down.

"Excuse me?" Sam said and I reached and rubbed my throat.

"Excuse me I'm talking to her. You are?" Miranda giggled making Sam rub my thigh while his finger drew circles.

"Listen she doesn't want to talk to you so why don't you go back to your slutty friends and tell them that you didn't get one like you wanted," Sam chuckled and squeezed my thigh gently. Miranda gasped and stomped off.

"Maxie? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to act the way I did," I heard Zachary say across from me, I lifted my head to see his glossy green eyes and nodded my head.

"It's ok," he turned to Raymond after hearing my voice. Sam pulled his hand away from my thigh and put it on the table. The bell rang and we left for lunch and saw the other guys.

"You're here?" They looked confused and I nodded and texted Jackson that I was going to lunch. We walked in and the normal loudness was gone, I looked around and saw Chase and Kayden sitting with another senior. I think her name was Chloe but I couldn't remeber.

"Hey guys," Sam said as we walked to them. They turned to us and stood to hug me tight.

"Hey to you too boys," I chuckled and ruffled there hair.

"Care to introduce them Chase?" The girl smiled and stood. The boys let go and walked over to her.

"Maxie this is Chloe, Finn's girlfriend," Chase smiled and I felt my heart break, Girlfriend? He never mentioned it.

I smiled at her and pushed on the bruises that formed on my wrist. "Excuse me," I whispered and walked to the bathroom. Sam followed me and I walked in leaving him outside of the door.

"Are you ok?" Sam yelled into the bathroom and I shook my head. No

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