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Was in the vehicle or in the house? I just sat laying there looking up.

"Maxine," I heard and I shook my head and heard him coming closer. "Shh it's ok I'm not going to hurt you," he whispered to me. I just laid there. "Are you able to talk?" He asked me and I shook my head. He sat beside me so I looked over and saw Raymond. "I'm sorry for everything I've done to you," He said and looked at my bruised wrist and my kinda purple hand.

I followed his eyes and lifted my wrist slightly, I put my hand out and he held it slightly.

"If I get you something to write on will you?" He asked and I shrugged slightly. He stood up and looked around seeing a piece of paper and pen. "Here we go now do you want to sit up?" He asked me after sitting down again and I shook my head.

'Are you gonna hurt me?' I wrote on the paper and showed it to him. He looked confused at first, my hands hurt so it wasn't the bad hand writing.

"No I won't hurt you. I promise," Raymond said making me shudder.

'Alex planned this all,' he looked at the paper and looked down at me confused.

"What do you mean planned it?" Raymond asked and before I could write anything down Jackson opened the doors and ripped Raymond out of the ambulance.

"What the hell are you doing with my sister!?" Jackson yelled at him once he landed on the ground making Raymond groan.

"I'm not gonna hurt her!" Raymond yelled back but Jackson climbed on top of him and pulled his fist back. Cal and Zachery ran out to them and Cal wrapped his arms around Jackson.

"STOP! Your scaring her and me," Cal yelled making my brother turn his head to me. I was sitting up and a tear slid down my cheek as I stared at them.

"Cal close the doors to the car," Jackson said calmly but Cal didn't move. Zachery was standing with the other guys behind him. "Close the damn doors!" Jackson yelled making Cal jump and let go of him.

"Maxie lay down," Raymond whispered making Jackson grab him by his shirt.

"Shut the hell up. Your the guy that keeps hurting my sister and I'll make you pay for it!" Jackson yelled at him. The next thing I knew I was standing up.

"Fucking stop all of you!" Caleb yelled but it didn't happen. Jackson didn't move, Raymond laid still and the others watched. My legs felt like jelly. Alex took advantage of my body and now he has my mind.

'Mm good girl,' Alex appeared in front of me, I shook and saw stars.

"Get off of him!" Cal screamed making me cover my ears and close my eyes. I couldn't help but whimper.

"If I must say something. Your scaring your own sister," Raymond said looking over at me, Zachery walked over to Cal and dragged him to Jordan who hugged him. Cal cried and Jackson didn't even turn his head.

"Listen to me!" Zachery yelled grabbing my brothers collar and he looked up to him. "You want to be there for your sister? Well guess what she's crying and breaking down because of you!" Zachery yelled and I closed the doors making them turn and run to the car. I got in the front and started the car and drove away.

I drove to my lake and got beside it and laid down. "Miss?" I heard a voice and looked around seeing a guy with a plaid shirt and jeans. "Did you steal this here ambulance?" The boy asked and he had this southern accent. I turned and looked and shook my head. "Why aren't you speaking?" He asked me and I reached for the paper and pen before.

'Bad things' I showed him the paper and he sat beside me.

"I'm Finn," he smiled and I laid back down and he joined me. "How old are you?" He asked me and I put up my hands '18' he stared at my wrist and I lowered them slowly. "Who did that to you?" He asked me turning his head and looking at me.

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