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"So you won't talk to us?" Caleb asked as we sat in my quiet living room. I looked at my shaking hands, we've been sitting like this for thirty minutes and everyone was hear staring at me.

"Why wouldn't she talk to you guys?" Chase asked making Finn shake his head to let him know not to speak of it. I rubbed my wrist which were still purple from Alex being to forceful.

"We want to help Maxie," Jordan took my hand in his and squeezed it slightly. I couldn't look at him but I could feel his presence near me.

My phone began buzzing and before I could pick it up Jackson grabbed it and answered. "Hello?" He said and it made the room go silent. "Yes, she's right here?" Jackson turned to me and I put my head back down. "She'd love to do that," Jackson chuckled and put the phone down.

"What are you making her do?" Drew asked walking towards Jackson.

"Relax. She's just gonna tell what Alex did on his court date," Jackson said making me turn to him.

"What if she's not ready?" Cal asked him but he was near his brother instead of Jackson.

"She'll be fine," Caleb agreed with Jackson. I pulled my hand away from Jordan and went to my room, when I opened the door Alex was sitting on my bed. His hair was a mess and his Blue shirt was tight on him along with his blue jeans.

"W-why are you here?" I stuttered and held onto the door. His head raised and his eyes looked into mine.

"Did you think I was gonna forget? I wasn't done yet," he chuckled and stood up from my bed. I shut my eyes and Alex stood In front of me. I tried to scream but Alex wrapped his hand around my throat tightly. "Shh," he put his finger over his lips and chuckled. I shut my eyes again and he disappeared and my hand was on my throat.

"Are you ok?" I heard and turned to see Drew, Chase, and Kayden.

"I-" I tried to say but my voice was scratched and a tear slipped from my eyes. Drew and Kayden ran to my side.

"Hey hey hey it's okay shh," Drew and Kayden helped me sit against the wall and I just sobbed.

"Finn!" Chase yelled after coming over to us. They all ran up to where I was sitting, Drew and Kayden were hugging me close and trying to stop me from crying but it didn't help much.

"Shh Maxie your ok. He can't get you," Caleb rubbed my head which was leaning on Drews' shoulder.

I lifted my head and looked into my room. No one was there and Jackson got eye level with me and wiped a tear away from my eye. "Let's get her to the guest room," Jackson said and helped me stand up but I wasn't stable.

Caleb picked me up and carried me to the guest room which hadn't been touched in a while. He set me on the bed and I curled into a ball. "I-" I tried to say but my voice was burning and raspy.

"It's ok don't talk right now," Cal said and whispered to them to get something from the kitchen. Aiden and Sam left and there was a dip in the bed.

"Wanna drink some tea?" Jordan asked me as I looked and saw Drew next to me. Chase and Kayden sat next to him and I nodded my head.

"Boys I think you should go home," Finn said making Chase shake his head.

"Finn is it?" I heard Alex in my head and sat up quickly and looked around.

"Woah your ok lay back down," Drew whispered and rubbed my back as the sun went down more and it was sundown.

Aiden and San came back with a cup of tea and handed it to me. I took a sip and the hot liquid burned my throat making me shake my head. "It's a little hot," Sam chuckled and I turned to him.

Finns phone began ringing so he took it and left the room. I set the cup down and pulled the blanket up over my shoulders. "Guys I have to go. Come on Chase and Kayden," Finn left after Chase and Kayden said goodbyes to me. I looked at the ceiling and saw darkness.

"Let's go to the living room. Dad will be back soon," Jackson said and they left me in the room with the door cracked. I took another sip of the tea and rubbed my throat.

"Where is Maxine?" I heard my dad say after the door opened and closed. It went quiet and I heard many people talking till Jackson took over.

"We all think she needs a therapist or something. She keeps seeing and hearing the guy," Jacksons voice spoke quietly but I could hear even if he didn't want me too.

"I got a call about the hearing and I don't think she should do it," Dad spoke with a little sad voice and the guys gasped at him.

"She has to do that! Alex won't go to prison if she doesn't," Caleb said so I decided to stand up and go down to the edge of the top steps.

"It'll freighten her more. She's never been this scared in her life," Dad spoke louder making me jump so I went down the stairs slowly and they all started speaking on how I should or shouldn't do it. There conversation stopped once they all stared at me. I looked at all there eyes and there messy hair which was all over the place and then ran two fingers through my hair.

"Maxie," My dad whispered and was about to walk to me when I put my hand up to him and they stopped. I pulled my shirt down a little and looked around at them again until a small tear rolled down my cheek and my throat had a little scratch to it.

"I'll do it..." I whispered after rubbing my throat and it stopped everyone even me. I can do this, I'll get him out of my life. No. Matter. What.

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