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"I'm Ray, this is Zach. You are?" Raymond asked Sam who was sitting across from me in art.

"Freak what did you do?" A girl said looking at me as I shaded in a piece I was working on. Sam kept looking at my paper as Ray tried to start a conversation.

"Can I see?" Sam asked and I looked up at Him, Raymond and Zachery. I slid the paper over to him and he picked it up looking at it. Zacherys eyes went to it too. "Where did you learn to do stuff like this?" He asked as he ran his thumb over the picture.

"That isn't that good," Raymond said looking at it. Sam turned to look back at him and Zachery stared at him also. "What? I mean she could add more color and texture at least," he shrugged.

"But you see, she doesn't need it because all she needs is gray and black," Sam said sliding the picture of a shattering glass with tiny marks left it to me. "An artist uses the materials around them to create the best creation," he chuckled and looked down at the photo.

"Freak can I speak with you?" Raymond asked walking over to behind me.

"Why do you call her freak? I see a normal weird girl that likes being herself for who she is, if anyone here is a freak it's you," Sam said looking at me as I pulled Calebs sweatshirt closer to me and shaded a little more.

"She's a freak because she acts like a boy," Marie said walking over to our table.

"She wears shitty clothes that boys would chose instead of clothes girls wear," Beth said standing next to Marie.

"She's on the boys soccer team," Autumn said as more people crowded around the table. Saying things about me and how I'm a freak.

"SHUT UP ALL OF YOU," a voice yelled but I didn't look up, I kept my pencil on my paper and eyes on it.

"Why should we? What are you gonna do?" Raymond said. I stood up and saw Sam and Zachery looking at everyone. I looked at them as they saw my bloodshot eyes, ready to cry.

I took my hood down and stood on a table. "Go ahead, keep going. This is so funny for all of you. All I am is a piece of shit you make fun of." I chuckled and turned my head to side seeing my friends at the door. "If you want to call me names go ahead. I'm done fighting. I'll quit the team, YOU ALL FUCKING WANT IT!" I yelled at them as I looked at everyone's eyes.

"Max," Cal said getting closer and I looked over to him as a tear fell from my eye.

"You all have bullied me for the last time today," I choked on my words. I looked at everyone who was looking down. Deep down I wanted to scream and cuss everyone out.

"Come on Maxie," Jordan said as I saw him standing infront of the table and I shook my head.

"Everyone leave now," I yelled as everyone scattered out. I closed the door once they were gone and sat back at my table. I pulled out a new paper and looked for my picture which was gone. I stood up and walked around trying to find it. When I looked in a box drawer there were exactoknives I picked one up and pulled Calebs sweatshirt off me. I sat back in my seat with the knife in my hand.

"You shouldn't do that on there account," a voice whispered as I heard steps come closer to me. I didn't look over. "Which do you prefer Max or Maxie?" He asked as he pulled a seat infront of me and starred at me. His eyes were so green and his long black hair stayed near his face.

"Either one," I whispered as I slid the knife on the table.

"Well Maxie can I see the knife?" He asked and I handed it to him. He smiled and put the knife behind him. "I'm Sam but it seems you like to call people by there first name?" He asked and I looked up at him.

"I only do it to people that bully me. Will I have to call you Samuel?" I ask him and he shakes his head and scoots closer.

"Sam will be just fine Maxie, now how bout we get out of this empty room and go to the field?" He stood up and put his hand out for me. I grabbed it and grabbed Calebs sweatshirt. He took me through the halls to the field.

"Did you take my picture," I whispered and he chuckled. He shook his head looking at the goal, he took off his leather jacket and set it on the bleacher.

"Where's the balls?" He asked and I pointed down at him as he chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist and put his chin on my shoulder. "Where are the soccer balls?" He asked in my ear, I grabbed the cart of balls and tossed held it for him but he just stayed with his arms around my waist.

"Sam?" I asked feeling his arms tighten a little. I looked at the door and saw a couple people starring. "Sam people are staring," I whispered as he hummed a little tone.

"Let them stare Maxie," he whispered under my ear making my arms get goosebumps and him chuckle lowly.

"You mind taking your hands off her," I heard Caleb say but sam didn't listen and stayed there.

"It's ok Caleb, just go back inside I'm fine," I smiled at him and he looked at me then sam and went back inside the school.

"1 on 1?" He asked as he let his arms loosened and lifted his chin.

"Sure just don't hit me Caleb really will go nuts," I told him as we headed to the middle of the field.

"Ex-boyfriend?" He asked me and I shook my head. "Then what?" He asked putting the ball in the middle.

"He's like Jordan and Cal, he's my best friend but we only met because A guy stole my money at a store and Caleb tackled him" I chuckled setting the ball in the middle.

"Ah so have you ever had a boyfriend?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Guys have been more of my friends than crushes," I shrugged and looked at the grass slowly dying over time.

"Oh," he whispered as I felt his eyes looking at me. "Do you want to play? Or we can talk if you'd like, I don't mind to listen," he said as he got closer and stood infront of me.

"Sam I'm fine, Raymond has done this since middle school," I chuckled and looked at my nikes that I tiny mud stains. Sam grabbed my chin softly and make me look into his eyes.

"It doesn't make it right Maxie," he whispered as he kept looking into my eyes. "All of them non- humans calling you names because your different? It's not ok," he said as he rubbed my cheek softly with his thumb. My phone started ringing so I pulled it out of my pocket and pulled it too my ear as Sam looked away and let my chin go.

"Hello?" I asked as I looked at the grass beneath my feet.

"Zach all your doing is lying to her," I heard Alex through the phone as I kept listening.

"Like your any better, this guy is gonna try something," Zachery said hitting his hands on something.

"Boys boys boys, all we have to do is talk to this guy, maybe he'll join," Raymond chuckled as a chair scrapped on the floor.

"You don't get it Ray. She's different," Zachery said as it got quiet.

"Please tell you both fell for the freak," Raymond said. The phone went dead as Sam stared at me weirdly.

"Who was that?" He asked and I shrugged and slipping my phone back in my pocket.

Who is the person who keeps texting and calling me? Will Sam become another best friend I can rely on or will he become a bully like the rest?

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