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One week later


I was sitting on the couch flicking through channels on the television. My dad came through the door with some other woman who was not his wife. I see that he's still a cheater. His wife and kids were out of town and he knows that I'm not going to say anything.

I can't believe he left my mom and I to go play with trash like her and his wife. Let's just say, they both are not attractive at all.

I shook my head and turned my eyes back to the TV.

"Who is this cute thang Matthew?"

The lady asked my father. She smiled at me and I had no expression on my face.

"That's my daughter Lisa. She do look just like her fine ass mama," he said.

That comment made me cringe. He is such a creep.

"Hm, I see she got a little attitude on her."

"I don't know why. Shit, it's not like she paying any bills around here. Speak while somebody talking to you child," he ordered.

I barely said a word ever since I moved in here. I don't know what makes him think I'm going to talk now.

I rolled my eyes, got up from the couch and walked right past them. I want to leave this house but there is nowhere else to go. Everyday I think of where I can go instead of living with him.

While I was in "my room," I took out a couple of dollars from my savings envelope. I could still hear my dad talking crap about me.

I always had a good skill of ignoring people. He did not phase me one bit. So many crazy things happened with me, to the point where I don't get mad anymore.

I went out of the backdoor and decided to go for a walk. I shouldn't be walking around this neighborhood at 11:00pm but I needed air from that house.

Four blocks away, was a corner store called Quick Mart. I spotted this one girl from my school with a bunch of guys on the side of the store. She was the only one who helped me on the first day.

They were surrounding her with a big radio box.

"Ms. Minaj little mama get a taste of the hot sauce

Itty bitty real pretty but I'm not soft
I beat bitches with the heat like I'm Scott Storch
In the ocean is where they gettin' dropped off
All I wanna do is party....."

She could rap her ass off. I wanted to listen more but I knew I had to get back home shortly. She is so beautiful to me and every time we look at each other I get a weird feeling in my stomach. The only time I talked to her was the day she helped me get to class. For some reason, I wish our conversation would have lasted longer.

I wanted to take another glance at her before I went inside and to my surprise, she was already looking at me.

There go that weird feeling again. A quick smiled appeared on the both of our faces.

I grabbed some oreos and milk. If anyone knows me, they know that I love oreos. When I turned around to get to the cash register, I bumped into someone.

"Oo, I'm sorry-"

"Bitch, watch where you goin!" She scolded while pushing me.

"What? It was a mistake," I defended myself.

She acted like no one ever accidentally bumped into her before. Her friends came up behind her and was popping their gum. I could tell they were going to get on complete bullshit with me.

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