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Chapter 12

Beyonce's POV

I woke up in the middle of my sleep and needed something to quench my thirst because my mouth was very dry.

I went downstairs to grab a glass of water. While I was on my way back to the room, I stubbed my toe on the side of the table's leg which made me drop the glass.

"Ow!" I exclaimed while holding my pinky toe.

I was mad at myself because the sound of the glass shattering woke Matthew up. I try to avoid him at all cost.

He turned on the light and looked annoyed with me.

"I should have known it was you. Ya so clumsy just like your damn mother."

That comment pissed me off inside.

"Do you have to bring my mother into everything? All she ever did was love -"

He yelled. "Shut up! Now what the hell im supposed to drink out of?"

Drink out of the many other cups that's in this kitchen is what I wanted to say.

I sighed and decided to just ignore him while cleaning up the mess I made.

"Do you hear me talking to you little girl?" He yelled.

I looked up at his angry face.
"I'm sorry. I will replace the glass... no big deal."

"You can't replace it. That was my favorite glass."

"Really? I never seen you drink out of it."

I might have been talking back but I was right. He always drinks out of his gray mug. He stood there with clenched jaws and before I knew it, I was slapped across my face.

Silence filled the kitchen room while I held my right stinging cheek.

"... Why do you hate me so much?" I whispered.

"Ch, clean this shit up," he spat while kicking the broom and dustpan towards me.

I balled up my fist, wishing that I could punch him and get away with it.
If only I didn't need a place to stay, I would've spazzed.

The Next Day

*Slams Locker*

"Well someone woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning," Onika commented as I slammed the locker shut. I didn't have time for her jokes.

"Leave me alone Onika," I said.

I've been in a terrible mood all day. To make matters even worse, I seen Onika up on some random chick this morning.

I should've never put my guard down for her and now I'm stuck in this Onika Love Game with the other few that's sprung on her. It's annoying.

Seeing her talk with any girl made me jealous and upset. I can't even get mad because we're not together.

She's not about to have me whipped like the other girls. I cannot let that happen.

"Do you really want me to do that?" She smirked while folding her arms and leaning on the locker.


I could have walked away, but my body wouldn't let me do it.

"Well guess what, I'm not leaving you alone."

She made direct eye contact with me while coming closer. We were now only centimeters apart.

I looked back into those big brown eyes of her. I'm not dare falling for her games.

"I would love if you could come over today. We can watch movies and order takeout. Sounds good?" She suggested.


She folded her arms while taking a step back."No?"

"I really wish you stop playing around," I demanded. "I'm not one of your hoes that you can have any time you want."

As I was about to leave, she grabbed my face and planted her lips onto mine.

I wanted to move away but of course I couldn't resist her lips.

Our tongues wrestled as she deepened the kiss. My arms wrapped her neck and I felt her smiling.

"I can't stand you Onika," I spoke while rolling my eyes.

Both of her hands wrested on the lockers, trapping me in between.

"When have I ever treated you like a hoe?" She asked.

I parted my lips although no words escaped.

"These girls mean nothing to me."

"Then why are you all up on them?" I asked throwing my hands up.

"Im just having fun, tryna make this boring ass day go by. You know I would be all up on you -" Onika hands went inside my maxi skirt but I pushed them away.

"But see, you've been pissy all day. Now what's wrong?"

I stayed silent.

"Talk to me Bey.... Everything okay at home?"

I shrugged and looked off to the side. I couldn't lie in her face.

"It's whatever," I answered nonchalantly.

"Why aren't you telling me the truth?" She asked concerned.

I shook my head. "Look, I have to go to track practice anyway. I'll see you later."

I wasn't looking forward to track either. That meant I have to deal with more crap.

Onika's POV

I gotta stop hoeing around. I really like Beyoncé and I can't mess it up for these girls that I don't even care about.

Yea, I was flirting around today but I didn't know she seen me. However, that can't be the only thing that's wrong with her.

She had the resting bitch face all day and I did not see one smile appear on her face. It left me worried.

"Aye Nic," This girl Mia called while I was just about to leave school. She's on the same track team as Bey.


"It's Beyonce. She's fighting in the locker room," she said while out of breath.

My eyes bucked wide and I didn't have time for Mia to explain everything.

I put my hair up into a ponytail and quickly ran to the gym's locker room. I assumed that Bey was getting jumped but damn, was I wrong.

She sat on top of Krystal punching her left and right.

I was shocked at everything I was seeing but instantly reacted when Beyonce stabbed Krystal with her pocket knife.

Krystal yelled in pain but this didn't stop Bey.

"Yo that's enough Bey!"
I ordered. I pulled Bey off of her and she would still try to go back to fighting Krystal.

Once I seen that security came, I took the pocket knife away from Bey.

There was Krystal laying on the ground, holding the right side of her stomach where she was stabbed.

The security guards looked at Krystal and then at me with the knife in my hand.

Security shook their heads.
"I should've known. Ms. Maraj come with us."

"Wait-" Beyonce started but I wouldn't let her finish.

"Yup, I did it," I said.

"No, Onika y-"

"Bey, shutup," I said.

The security guards watched us go back and forth until I had the final word. They took me out of the gym and I knew I was heading to the principal's office.

I didn't want her to go down for this. I'm the one who told her to fight back but I didn't think she would actually pull out a knife on someone.

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