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A/N: I'm so happy for the views and votes on this book that I had to update. Thank you ❤️


•Beyonce's POV•

I don't know how Onika did it but a few weeks later, all charges were dropped and Krystal admitted to starting the fight.

I was soon able to attend school again like Nika promised.

While I was doing my homework, I could spot Krystal in my peripheral staring me down.

Krystal no longer bullies me at school. Whenever we see each other in the halls, she shoots me a look and keep walking.

Today was different. I think that she purposely sat next to me.

She was getting on my last nerves with her eye problem so I ended up saying something.

"Um, do you see something you like?" I asked sarcastically.

"You're not going to stab me again are you?"

I gave her a fake smile. "If only we were off of school grounds."

She chuckled. "I'm looking at the hickeys on your neck. You didn't bother to cover that up?"

I honestly didn't know it was there but I was nonchalant about it. Onika and I had a really festive time last night.

"Mind your business."

She stuck her nose up and aggressively turned the pages in her reading book.

I wondered what was up with her. Until, I thought she was done messing with me, she spoke again.

"You know, you should really cover that up. It makes you look hoeish."

"So, what don't you understand by minding your business?"

"Usually I do but since we're sleeping with the same person, it is my business," she blurted out.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

I got up from my seat and she jumped back.

"No, I don't think I heard clear enough. Now what the fuck did you just say?"

"Beyonce. Knowles. Front desk, now!" Ms. Wright demanded.

I marched over to the teacher's desk angrily. If Krystal is saying anything but the truth, it is Onika's ass.

I didn't believe it because she wouldn't dare do such a thing, but hearing it come from Krystal's mouth still pissed me off.

"What has gotten into you Ms. Knowles?" She asked astonished.

I shrugged my shoulders and posed with an attitude.

She looked me directly in the eye and was nothing but serious. Mrs. Wright loves me and I guess I'm not meeting her expectations right now.

"I asked a question."

I watched Krystal cackle in the corner of my eye. I still ignored Mrs. Wright. I was way too focus on finding out if Onika was having sex with her or not. 

"The first couple of weeks here, you were not like this at all. Don't let these students change you - not one bit." she advised.

"Krystal is annoying me," I whined.

"Actually, I'm just minding my business."

I was ready to jump over a couple of desks and choke her to death. She is like a bug that keeps coming back.

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