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• Onika's POV •

Beyoncé and I haven't talked ever since that kiss four days ago. We just look at each other without saying anything - like we're doing at this current moment.

She's all I think about now and I hate it. It's not me to get so emotional and especially about some girl.

Like, what if she thought the kiss was bad? That would be the first.

This whole week I tried keeping my mind off of her by hooking up with other girls but nothing worked.

Our Anatomy teacher, Mr. Richards was going over our experiment. We're dissecting pigs today.

"Alright class. I will now call out partners and yes this is an assigned lab," he announced.

The entire class started whining.

He called the first group.
"Sharron and Monica."

A smirked appeared on my face because I fucked them both.

"Chris and Ethan."

"Deanna and Krystal."

"TJ and Andrew."

"Beyonce and Onika ..."

Of course I'm partnered with her.

"No!" Krystal blurted.

I rolled my eyes and sniggered. Her loud outburst was so unnecessary and proved to me how jealous she is of Beyoncé.

"Excuse me Mrs. Schafer?" Mr. Richards asked her

"Why do we gotta have assigned partners anyway? We're in high school," she argued.

"Krystal just shut the fuck up," I ordered. I can't bite my tongue for nothing.

"You wasn't saying that two nights ago. Were you Onika?"

"No, I'm saying it now. Shut the fuck up," I repeated myself.

Krystal jumped out of her seat and so did I. Before I knew it, we were arguing across the room.

Everyone was either laughing or instigating the argument.

"Class quiet! And Ms. Maraj, you don't listen. How many times do we have to tell you stop using profanity? That is enough. Next time, I will send you down to Principal Lawler and I know you don't want that," he threatened.

I was told next time I get sent down to the principals office, I was going to get expelled.

I smacked my lips. "Whatever."

He sighed and finished calling out the names.


Beyoncé and I made no contact with each other. I kept focused on what what we had to do.

While I was about to cut open the pig's stomach, I could see in the corner off my eye that she was hesitant about something.

I finally looked over.

"Sorry, I - I just can't do this," she said franticly.

"You can't work with me?"

"No, I can't work with that pig."

I chuckled. "I'll do the messy work. You just answer the questions. Cool?"

"Yea, cool," she smiled.

Jacklyn came towards me and I noticed she gave Beyonce this funny look.

"Onika?" She asked in a high pitched tone. I hate when girls use that weird ass voice when they're talking to me.

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