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Since I have not updated in a while, this chapter is a little longer than my usual updates. Hope you like ☺️☺️

Chapter 23

Onika's POV

I could not contain this nervous feeling that I was having. My stomach kept turning over and over. I felt really dumb. I was so wrapped up in worrying about TJ getting off Bey's back that I didn't realize I actually hurt her. Plus, it's not like I meant to. She slapped me and next thing I know, my reflexes were in full effect. I was already upset so her whipping her hand across my face like she was out of her mind did not make things any better.

Bey was sent to the nurse. I felt a little better since she wasn't admitted to an actual hospital. I don't know how I ended up hurting her so bad. Bey sat on the cot, still holding her stomach while the nurse was in the back room running test or whatever. She didn't want to give Bey any medication or instructions until she knew what exactly was going on with her.

Meanwhile, TJ was sitting down at the chair on the side of Bey and I was on the other side of her. As much as I wanted to say something, I bit my tongue because Principal Lawler was in the room and I was probably already in trouble. He was of course there to question us on what happened.

"Bey," I whispered while placing my hand on top of hers.

She glanced over at me without saying anything.

"I didn't mean to push you that hard or hurt you. Really... You know that right?"

She slowly nodded.

"BB," I begged while tapping her. I didn't want some dull response. I wanted her to talk to me.

"I know you didn't mean it. I should've never slapped you but the things you were saying ..."

"I'm mad at myself for getting that angry. It was one dumb fight and.. it shouldn't affect us. I'm ... I'm sorry," I frowned.

"Okay," she nodded. "I️'m sorry for slapping you."

"Excuse me Ms. Maraj?" The principal asked for me to repeat whatever I said to Bey.

I let out an exhale. "Nothing. When am I going to know what's going on with her?"

"YOU are going back to class after I get a statement from both you and Timothy. And from my knowledge, you are the reason she is in pain-"

"Onika did not push me," Bey spoke. "I fell so all of this is just a misunderstanding."

"Bey don't do this. You know she pushed you," TJ say.

Beyonce gave him an annoyed look.
"Ms. Knowles you don't have to take up for her. Whatever she is threatening you with -"

Bey interrupted once again. "Threatening me? You guys always talk about Onika like she's some criminal. TJ came into the lobby after I fell."

She seemed pretty pissed about the situation. I knew by the look on her face that she probably wanted to be left alone.

I wasn't surprised she took up for me. Bey always ride for me no matter what and that's one reason why I love her to death.

I'm ashamed to say this, but seeing TJ trying to get her attention so much made me insecure. I️ wasn't feeling confident in myself.

Principal Lawyer deeply sighed while giving us a blank stare. "Go back to class. The both of you."

I had my arms folded as TJ and I were staring each other down, waiting for the first one to leave. I can't believe I'm into it with him. He was the last boy I thought I was going to have beef with.

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