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Onika's POV


Beyoncé and I were at my apartment. She was snooping around in my room - opening up my drawers, photo albums, etc. I shook my head at her while I sat on the bed searching through Netflix movies.

Yes, I am very independent but I was forced to grow up so fast. It's not bad since I have everything I want and not struggling but I do a lot of illegal shit that can get me caught up one day. I try to be careful when it comes to my job.

I took my attention off Beyonce for one minute and when I looked back over at her, she was reading my song book.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Nothing..." she answered suspiciously while trying to hide the composition notebook.

I jumped up and ran towards her, putting her in a headlock.

"Owww, Nika," she tried her best to say because I was choking her.

"Give it to me."

"No," she refused while trying to break from my strong grip.

Once I got a hold of the book, I let her go.

"Hey, why did you do that?" Beyoncé said and slapped me upside my head.

I did the same back to her but by using the book.

"Dang," she whined trying to make me stop.

"Don't start something you can't finish," I said while plopping back onto the bed.

She sat at the end and frowned. "Why can't I read it?"

I love making music but I'm not very confident about it sometimes. I only rap around my guys and that's rare too. However, she is the first girl to notice something I truly care about.

I sighed. "Fine. You promise you won't laugh?"

"Pinky promise." She gave me her pinky finger and I chuckled.

She makes me feel so corny but love it. I grabbed her pinky with mine.

I moved my index finger back and forth, signaling her to come closer my way.

Bey came to sit in between my legs while I wrapped my arms around her waist.

She placed her hand over mine and couldn't wait for me to show her some of the music I made. I always told myself that I wasn't settling down anytime soon but I can maybe get used to this if it's with her.

After the CD was finished playing, Beyoncé started clapping with tears in her eyes.

"Are you crying Bey?" I giggled.

She wiped the few tears that were on her face.

"Yes, that was so beautiful. I can't even choose from my favorite."

I playfully rolled my eyes. "You're just saying that."

"No I'm not. You have major talent."

"That means a lot. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

She smiled while looking into my eyes. Every time we look at each other, I feel a connection. That's how I know she is someone different.

I could tell that we both wanted to kiss each other since we kept leaning in.

I made the first move by lifting her chin to kiss her but this time, it was with my tongue.

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