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Chapter 19

•Beyonce's POV•

Hours went by and I still couldn't find my necklace. That necklace meant everything to me so I started freaking out.

I never take it off but whenever I have to, I would place it in my small jewelry box and leave it on the nightstand.

I was getting frustrated from not finding it which made me want to ask Matthew.

Although it was going on midnight, I knew he was awake because he is always up at this time for some reason.

I walked into the living room where he was watching some lame show on TV.

"Matthew," I called.

"What do you want." He grunted.

"Have you seen my necklace? I can't find it and I looked everywhere."


I hoped that I was just hearing things. It was like he said it with no remorse.

I chuckled sarcastically. "Excuse me?"

He shrugged while flipping through his newspaper. "I had to sell it. We needed the money."

I could feel my face turning purple and breath shortening. So many emotions were running threw my mind that I couldn't think on what to do.

He looked back at me with confusion. "You think it's a problem? You only gave me one month of rent."

"My mom gave me that necklace," I said as my voice began cracking. "That was the last thing she gave me!"

"Lower your voice!" He demanded. "My wife is sleeping."

"I don't give a care about your wife! I need my necklace!"

His eyes bucked open at me. He was shocked that I said any of that.

I barged into his room and went through his drawers to find any cash laying around.

"Matthew, what is wrong with her?" His wife asked waking up from her sleep.

I had no care in the world that I woke her up. I was focused on my missing necklace.

"Stop it right now!" He yelled.

Matthew dragged me out of the room and I quickly got out of his grip.

"You are being very inappropriate."

"Selling my necklace was very inappropriate," I mocked him.

"Go to your room!"


"No?" He said angrily.

"I can't believe you sold my necklace. I'm leaving."

"If you leave, you can't come back."


I was throwing everything in the suitcase, not having enough time to fold my clothes properly.

He laughed. "Where are you going to go?" He asked.

He thought I was
playing around when I announced to him that I was leaving.

"Don't worry about it. You should be happy," I said swinging my book bag over my back.

I headed for the door and he grabbed my arm. I looked in disgust at where his hand was placed.

"Don't make a dumb decision. You better off staying here," he assumed.

If I knew any better, he wanted me to stay.

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