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•Beyonce's POV•

I have never met my dad within my sixteen years of being on this earth but yesterday, I started living with him, his wife, and two children. I can tell she doesn't want me here.

I always wanted to know who my dad was but come to find out, he is a dead beat bum. He doesn't work but his wife does. They could have kept him away from me but then again, I literally have no one else.

All of a sudden my life had crumbled and no one or nothing is going to be able to repair it - not even myself.

Everything was all good just a week ago. Hopefully I can get over this and move forward.

I walked into my new school, Willow High. I looked around and became nervous of everything I was seeing.

At my old high school, it was small and quiet. Willow High is the complete opposite. These kids did not have any sense of home training. They looked like animals escaping the zoo.

I look to my left, it was a gang of people rolling dice. I could hear arguments in the back of me that would mostly likely turn into a fight. And towards my right would be boys staring me up and down like I was a full course meal.

While I was trying to find my first class, I felt someone grab my butt.

I yelped and quickly turned around to find out it was some dark skinned guy with bad teeth and a tear drop in the left corner of his eye. This school accepts anyone.

"Damn, ma you fine as hell! Shit!" He commented while licking his crusty lips. His friends were looking like they wanted to touch on me too. All I'm trying to do is get to class.

My mouth dropped opened in disgust. As much as I wanted to say something, I didn't. He look like he would hit me silly if I said anything he didn't like.

I decided to ignore them and keep walking. Once I seen a couple of girls, I felt a bit comfortable.

I walked over to them. "Excuse me ... um, do you girls know where room 301 is?"

They turned around from their lockers and looked at me up and down with an irritated face. I stepped back because I knew I wasn't welcomed.

"Find it yourself," this one girl said with an attitude while she rolled her eyes.

"Keisha girl! Why do you have to be so mean?"

"She tha one walking with her head held high like she's better than everybody but anywho like I was saying..."

I nodded and simply walked away from them. I can not see myself getting used to this anytime soon.

• Onika's POV •

First Period, AP Science

"Ms. Maraj please get off of your phone."

"Onika!" My teacher yelled at me. I zoned out in class but that was nothing new. Science is boring as fuck.

"Damn, what?" I asked aggressively rolling my eyes. I had business to take care of and she interrupted me.

Mrs. Wright slammed our science book on the desk and became frustrated with me. I folded my lips to keep myself from laughing.

I stress every teacher out but for some reason I get under Ms.Wright's skin.

Mrs. Wright is one of our older teachers who wear bulky glasses and long skirts with the ugliest black shoes I ever seen in my life.

I don't understand why teachers get upset if a student doesn't listen in class. They're still getting paid either way.

If it was my choice, I wouldn't even be in school.

"Onika, I expected you to have somewhat of a change since freshman year. I had to call you out for doing something wrong numerous times today within thirty minutes"

I grinned at her. "Ms. Wright, nothing can or will ever change me so what made you think that?"

Everyone laughed and she shook her head.

"Onika just get off of your phone. I know you don't want another three hour detention," she threatened.

I rolled my eyes and put my phone inside of my purse. While she was going over a boring ass lecture, I painted my nails a sparkly pink color to stall time.

At the end of class, Mrs. Wright slapped a big detention note on my desk. She claimed that I was still being disruptive. That shit did not phase me as if I don't have ten more of those.


During passing period, I had to walk to my locker so that I could get my books for the next class.

I furrowed my eyebrows together because I seen an unfamiliar person standing next to my locker.

I couldn't see her face because her back was turned towards me but I would've been recognized an ass that big and perfect.

I walked up and gently took the cellphone out of her back pocket. Everyone at this school knows not to have their phone hanging out. It's a bunch of thieves at this school.

I watched her act panicky while she was looking at her class schedule. I could tell she was a new student here.

"Need help with something?" I asked her.

Once she looked over at me, my eyes grew wide for a second. She was legit flawless. I tried finding at least one flaw in her but I couldn't.

Her eyes were really glossy like she had been crying. I tilted my head and tried reading her.

"You actually want to help me?" She asked in disbelief. The tone in her voice sounded like she was very irritated.

I flexed my dimple. "Someone has an attitude..."

I put in the combination to my locker.

"I'm sorry. It's just - my old school is so different from this one. It was really small there and I'm kinda annoyed."

Willow High is a big school that consist of five levels. I had a hard time finding my classes on the first day too.

She gave me her schedule. Her class locations were all over the place but she will get used to it. I noticed we had the same class next.

"Come with me," I said.

"Thank you."

The new girl went searching in her back pocket for what I assumed to be her phone. I started laughing.

I put the phone to her chest and her one hand placed over mine. This tingly feeling came over me but I quickly got back into my character.

"Rule number one, remember to keep your things close to you. You can't trust anyone in this fuckin' school."

She quickly nodded without saying anything and I lead her to AP History.

👋 This is my first Beynika story and I think it's going to be a good one. It's the first chapter so it may be a little boring, but I promise it's gonna get interesting.
Comment and vote please!!
To be continued

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