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•Beyonce POV•

"So you mean to tell me, you covered up illegal drugs AND ditch school with this girl all in one day?" Kelly asked for clarification.

Kelly is my long time friend from Houston. We met in the fourth grade and became inseparable ever since, until I had go to away. I was so sad when I had to leave her but we promised we would try and visit each other soon.

"Yes, Kelly," I answered not even believing my own self.

"Wow, what made you do it?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. I just did it and honestly, it was so much fun."

Kelly laughed. "Well I'm glad you're having fun and experiencing something new Bey but be careful who you hang around. She sounds like a lot of trouble no offense and she better not replace me."

"Yea, I will and no one will replace my best friend," I promised.

I felt her smiling over the phone. I heard someone's footsteps coming to the door and I sighed. I was just hoping it wasn't Matthew. He is always nagging to me about something.

I spoke too soon. We looked at each other and he stood there waiting for me to get off the phone.

"Hey, I gotta go. I'll text you okay?"

"Okay, love you Bey."

"Love you too."

I hung up and prepared myself for any irritating thing he had to say to me.

"I can't keep letting you stay here for free. My wife is getting really bothered by this." He said right off the back.

"Of course. I applied to several jobs. I'm just waiting for someone to call me."

"Ch, you better hope they call soon."

I nodded and he turned back out of the room. I don't understand him. I don't understand why he hates me so much. He was forced to take me in but I would probably be better off in a damn foster home.

• Onika's POV •

"Mmmm, fuck!" I moaned quietly.

This sophomore Krystal was giving me head in one of the bathroom stalls.

I placed my hands on the two narrow walls while her tongue went deeper.

I have to admit, out of all of my sex partners, Krystal is the best.

"You taste so good Nika," she muttered.

"Mmmmm, yes."

Her nails clenched in my thighs and I threw my head back.

"Mmmm, Beyoncé ye- " I screamed out.

Oh shit.

Krystal instantly stopped and came up with the meanest look on her face.

"What the hell did you just call me?" She asked while wiping her mouth.

"Uhhh," I thought while throwing my hands up. I was trying to think of a good lie but it was pointless.

Krystal pushed me. "What the fuck? Beyoncé is that girl you were with earlier huh?"

"Huh Onika?" She said pushing me again.

"Girl, you are doin' way too much. Stop putting your hands on me."

I put on my underwear and jeans while she was still yapping at the mouth.

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