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Chapter 27

Beyoncé's POV

"Bey, get your big ass feet out my face!" Kelly demanded, interrupting the good sleep that I was having.

I was finally able to open my eyes completely and realize that I was all up in her personal space. Onika always complain about me being a wild sleeper but I think she exaggerates.

"Sorry," I apologized. I positioned my legs into pretzel style. "You're acting like they smell."

She smacked her lips and laughed a little. "They don't, thank God, but who would want somebody else feet in their face Bey? C'mon now."

I slowly brought my foot back up by her face and it was only inches away from her mouth.

"Stop! You are so gross."

We both laughed but it grew silent after a few seconds. I glanced at her and back down at my hands while compressing my lips.

I heard her take a deep breath before speaking. "I'm sorry I went off on you like that. I should've never done that. I feel terrible."

I shook my head and disagreed with her. "You told me the truth. That's what I needed to hear. I know you didn't mean any harm but you could've went a little easier on me."

"I'm so sorry Bey. I just don't want anything else to take you down."

"I know, I know. It's okay."

Kelly pouted and opened her arms wide enough to bring me into a hug. "You know I love you girl."

I snuggled up against Kelly's chest and closed my eyes. I put on this act as if I'm okay but deep down inside, I'm terrified. It's impossible for me to raise a child.

"I'm scared Kellz," I whispered. "... like really scared."

Kelly sighed. "You're not gonna be going through this alone. Trust me," she promised. "You been through some fucked up shit. Yes, it sucks but you have to promise me you're gonna start being more responsible girl."

"..... Ms. Tina had spoiled you rotten," she chuckled while playing in my hair. I was so glad that Kelly was here. Yesterday, I thought her surprising me was a mistake but now I know why she said those things. She didn't want to see me in a bad position.

"Y'all a little bit to close for my liking," Onika loudly interrupted while walking past us and brushing her teeth.

I smiled and stretched out my arms. "Good morning my love," I said.

"Goodmorning pooh," she replied with a mouth full of toothpaste. Onika glanced at Kelly and turned her head.

"Morning," she said with not even half of the enthusiasm she greeted me with.

Kelly smacked her lips. "I'm sick of your ass of a girlfriend."

"She is not an ass," I defended her. "Are you Onika?"

Onika continued to brush her teeth while walking back to the bedroom.

"Okay, she is an ass but she can't help it. She's a Sagittarius ," I said becoming all defensive.

"Ch, and my Aquarius ass will show her." Kelly spoke loud enough for Onika to hear. I giggled lowly,
covering my mouth while shaking my head. I have a feeling they're going to end up being the best of friends ... hopefully.

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