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One week later

•Onika's POV•

During lunch, I sat with Tj, Donno, and Ced. I usually just hang out with them at this school.

You would probably only see me around boys and assume I was a thot, but everybody know I don't have a straight bone in me.

"Nic, let me get 2 for $15," Donno said to me.

"No, 2 for $20," I suggested.

He smacked his lips and gave me a twenty dollar bill. I smirked and gave him the bag of weed afterwards.

Yes, I sell drugs and do a lot of other illegal shit. It's sucks that the entire police department know who I am but that don't stop me.

I looked at the guys and seen they were eyeing someone down.

It was that new fine ass blonde that locker is right next to mine. Girls were giving her mean looks while she tried finding somewhere to sit and I rolled my eyes. These bitches are so jealous.

I do understand why. She was tall, light skinned, blonde hair with the prettiest eyes. To add the cherry on the top, she had the perfect shape

I raised my eyebrows. "Y'all tryna get on that?"

"Ch, I already did and she curved my ass," Tj said pressed.

"Shit. she probably the finest girl in this shitty ass school," Donno commented and I agreed with him.

"You know ... minus you Nic," he said while grinning.

I mushed him in the head. "Boy, shut up."

"She's real innocent though."

"How you know?" Ced asked me.

"Cuz I talked to her a few times. And you know a girl like that get attached quick. I don't got time for that," I said.

"Well shit, a girl as sexy as that, I got the time," Ced joked and I shook my head.

"Man y'all ugly asses don't stand a chance," Tj said.

"Man shut the fuck up. You just mad she rejected ya ass," Ced said back.

I started laughing. They are always up for roasting each other.

"Nic, as fine is you is, I bet you can't get her either."

I turned my body towards Tj and put my hand on the hip. Like I said I wasn't going to hit on her, but I'm always up for a challenge.

"How much you wanna bet?"

"$300," he said.

"Bye. You don't even have $300."

"I give you four weeks to see if you can get her in bed," he said while taking three hundred dollar bills out of his wallet.

That little three hundred didn't phase me, but I wanted to prove to him that I can get anyone I want at Willow High.

While the new girl was walking around, she spotted me and I didn't take my eyes off of her.

She smiled and waved. I waved back at her and looked at Tj, Donno, and Ced.

"It's a bet."

•Beyonce's POV•

I am already fed up with living here. If it's not my dad and his kids annoying me, it's this dumb school.

I think everyone hates me here because they're always mean mugging me like I did something to them.

The teacher was going over a new lesson and I was paying the least amount of attention until three policeman came in the classroom.

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