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•Beyonce's POV•

Before entering Willow High, I had to make sure I looked the least presentable with this bandaid beneath my eye.

Almost everyone from the school was at TJ's party so I know the fight got around to others who were not there.

However, I never had anyone stand up for me like Onika did. It turned me on so much that I forgot about being mad with her before. She told me that I'm going to have to learn how to fight and she's right because I felt so weak.

Ever since the party two days ago, we have been texting more than usual. I think she flirts with me sometimes, but everyone say that Onika is never affectionate and don't catch feelings so I'm not going to assume anything.

I walked into school and I got that expected stare from everyone.

"Hey Beyoncé," one girl said while waving. Although I didn't know who she was, I spoke back to be polite.


"What's up girl?" Another student quickly greeted me. I didn't know her name either.

Afterwards, more people acknowledged me and I was so surprised.

"Bey," Tj called running up to me. I've gotten to know TJ a little more and he seems to be a cool guy.

"Hey, TJ," I answered him.

"Are you okay?"

I giggled because that is the only thing he kept asking me after the fight.

"Yes, TJ I'm okay." All because of Onika, that is.

"Just making sure."

I looked around and people were still smiling at me.

"Okay what's up with everyone? I thought no one liked me," I said.

"Take a quick guess."

Everything all made sense now. I blushed at the fact Onika was the reason behind all of this.

"Speaking of her ..."

There was Onika and I tried my best not smiling, especially in front of TJ. I haven't seen her in two days but it felt like a week.

"Goodmorning BB," Onika said with a slight grin on her face. She usually only calls me BB through text but hearing her say it in person made me get the chills.

There is no doubt I'm crushing on her now because I was a little bit to happy at the fact she was in my presence. I have to tell Kelly.

"Goodmorning, Nika."

"This is for you," she said while handing me a McDonald's bag.

It included a breakfast sandwich with hash browns and orange juice.

"Omg," I thanked her excitedly.

I took the McGriddle out of its wrapper right away and started eating it. She also had some for herself. I had no idea what made her get this for me, but I was satisfied.

I let out a sigh of relief because it tasted so good and she laughed.

We started walking to our locker while I was still devouring the sandwhich.

"You was that hungry?"

"I'm always hungry," I said with a mouth full.

Onika looked at the time on her glistening watch and thought.

"We have 30 minutes before classes start. You want to come somewhere with me?" She asked.


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