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Onika's POV•

Chapter 29

Police wanted to keep me in custody because I wouldn't tell them anything. I was not going to start dropping names and end up dead somewhere three weeks later. Apparently, someone found our paper trail and business was getting sketchy anyway according to Jodi. The feds was building up a case against us for a long time but nothing should have ever gotten back to me. I was too smart with my craft, though in the moment I didn't care who gave my name to the cops.

The only thing I could think about was my baby being alone in our apartment and pregnant to top things off. I felt so bad for leaving her. I should've tried to stop when she told me too, but it is never that easy. Guards were being complete asses and would not let me make any phone calls and I know she was waiting for me. I had to admit, my uncooperative behavior towards them didn't help. I was the worst person ever... I let her down.

The cops led me to a cell. My eyes scanned around the area. I couldn't believe I was here. The word jail itself gave me anxiety. It was so fucking depressing.

There were a few people already inside. I grew a bigger attitude once I realized that all of them were looking messy. I simply didn't have time.

"When can I make a phone call?"

The guard twisted her lips and uncuffed me. It wasn't her first time ignoring me.
"This is some bullshit."

"Keep talking Maraj."

I heard a lot of "damns" and "i want a piece of her" coming from other women. I rolled my eyes and went to a corner where I could be away from everyone as much as possible.

"Well, well, well I was all upset until you walk through." I looked up and it was this light skinned, muscular brunette with a thousand piercings. I swear I hated people.

  "Hey sexy," she licked her lips and leaned on the wall near me.

My nose turned up at her. "Lady if you don't get out of my face..."

"You a little tough one I see. I like that shit."

Her voice was deep as hell but that didn't scare me. I was already pissed so I was about to get buck with this chick until someone called my name.

"Onika? Onika is that you?"

I looked over to a familiar face. I couldn't sketch out where I knew her from at first. She look in her late 40s. She was wearing a red skimpy dress and was super skinny. Her eyes were dilating so she had to be on some type of drug.

"Carol's daughter right?"

I folded my arms and moved away from the tall brunette. "Who are you?"

"Tamra. I used to always see you when you were a little kid. Wow, look at you," she said amazed.

"Yea look at me," I mumbled.

I remembered her and I remembered that I hated her hoe ass. Her and my mom used to run the streets while I was at home by myself and my dad was out somewhere getting drunk off of whiskey.

"I talked to her a few months ago. How she holdin' up?"

Truth is, I haven't talked to my mom. After a while she started calling me only to ask for money on her books but I wasn't going to give Tamra any ideas. She was always into somebody's business.

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