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A/N: yes this is a new chapter ☺️☺️☺️ I want to thank everyone for going on this journey with me and reading Willow Heights. This was my first time writing something like this and I couldn't have continued without y'all, but this book is coming to an end. I appreciate you guys and I hope you enjoy!!! 💙💙💙 —-

Chapter 30

Beyoncé's POV

Houston, Texas

"Goodmorning class. Please open up your books to page 174. This is a very important chapter and majority of this material will be on the test so please take constructive notes..."

"Ma-ma," Nadia called, trying to get my attention. Her little hands continued to tap my chest until I gave her what she wanted.

I smiled and giggled. "Baby, you are always hungry."

I pulled out one of her bottles from her bag and fed it to her while I listened to the professor's lecture. I am very over protective of my daughter and I don't let anyone watch her except Kelly or Michelle, so she is almost always with me when I'm in class.

For some reason, she never gives me any problems while I'm at school. As long as she has her food and something to play with, she won't cry from boredom.

I never thought I would feel this way but Nadia is the best thing that ever happened to me. Her love is the greatest of all.

She made one years old August 4th and is way ahead of her time. She is learning how to pick up on words and even trying to walk already.

I get looks all of the time here at school, but I expected that. I also get questions like "How do you do it?" and "Can I hold or watch her for you?" Well I'm superwoman and the other answer is hell no.

I kissed her cheek and rocked her while my other hand was occupied with writing in my notebook.

"Girl what did I miss?" Kelly whispered, sneaking her way to the seat that I saved her.

"This class is at 2 o'clock. Why are you always late?"

"Don't worry about it," she said rolling her eyes at me and slamming down her accounting book.

I laughed once I knew what that had meant. Kelly was getting dicked down by one of her favorite football players. She knew how I felt about those athletes. He was nothing but trouble and caused her heartbreak once every two weeks.

"Hey baby girl. How my god daughter doing? Yes, you're so pretty and sweet," Kelly greeted Nadia in her baby voice. Nadia smiled and reached for her.

I was so happy to have her and Michelle at my school this second year. My freshman year of college wasn't your typical freshman year. I had a newborn and was suffering from a deep heartbreak. I was so stressed that I would go without days of eating and sleeping. Kelly and Michelle decided to surprise me with their acceptance letters at the end of last year and I couldn't stop with tears of joy. I needed them. Things became so much easier.

"Healy is going over all of chapter 5. We have a quiz Thursday."

Kelly smacked her lips. "We just had one last Thursday. I can't deal with this class."

Kelly and I were both business and marketing majors. We have big dreams of opening a huge clothing store one day. As of now, I'm working as a paid intern at a designing company and it's perfect. It was supposed to only be seasonal but they loved me so much that I was offered a long term job with them.

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