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continued ...

Onika's POV
Matthew yelled at her again.

I jerked back at that cringy ass word. I hated that word. I folded my arms and lifted my brow, waiting for him to say that slick shit one more time.

Before Bey could respond, Matthew quickly looked down at her belly and the items we had in the cart. You couldn't really notice with the sweater she had on but that's how hard he was looking. I took in a deep breath because I knew things were going to get out of control.

Instead of saying anything, Matthew laughed hysterically. I squinted my eyes and looked over at Bey who was giving him this certain glare I never seen before.

"And you- you're pregnant," he constantly laughed. "Chile, your mom should be rolling in her grave."

My eyes grew as wide as they could stretch. I'm all about respecting my elders but no one could ever talk to my girlfriend like that. "You wanna keep talking sir? Because I would happily knock that goofy grin-"

"Nika can we just go? please," she begged.

"You're right." I was going to apologize to Bey later. No matter how bad I wanted to knock him upside his head, he was her father and I wouldn't have had
met her if it wasn't for him. My temper always get the best of me.

I nodded my head and decided to close my mouth for the sake of me getting into trouble. Matthew said something in response to me spazzing on him but I couldn't fully understand because Bey was trying to get out of his way.

As we continued to walk down to the register, Matthew decides to follow us.

As I held Bey's hand, I felt her entire body shaking which made me feel some type of way. I held her tighter for her to know that I was right with her.

"Look at me while I'm talking to you," Matthew demanded.

He ended up snatching Beyonce by the arm and I was the one shaking at this point.

"Get some help you fool."

"What? You get some help!" She snapped back.

I realized Matthew was drunk because his words were slurring and he could barely keep his balance. Her father was an alcoholic. This was typical of fathers in my hood.

"Bey go to the car."

"It's okay, I'm going to ignore him," she said helping me place our items on the conveyer belt.

Matthew began to laugh again. I gave him the side eye while thinking of things I could do to ruin him.

"Aw man, this right here is something else," he commented putting his hand on his hip.

I tried best to not say anything.

"You are the got damn reason for your mom getting in that car accident. We should've never had you."

"Okay yo, Bey seriously?" I asked her for permission to go in on this no life ass of a man.

Bey kept her head down like she was ashamed. I hate that she let words get to her.

"You know that's not true."

"Shut up, I'm talking to my daughter. Stay out of this," he shot at me.

Before I knew it, Bey picked up a glass from off the display shelf beside her and banged it up against Matthew's head.

My mouth dropped because she gave me no warning but I stood there snickering as I watched Matthew in utter shock. Now, we had the entire store's attention.

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