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Chapter 13

Beyonce's POV

It was like something came over me. I was fed up with everyone treating me like I was nobody.

My hair was all over my head while my clothes were torn. I really looked insane.

Do I regret stabbing Krystal? No, but I don't feel like myself anymore. I would never hurt anyone like that - not in a million years.

Krystal was sent to the emergency room shortly after while I sat in the office with Onika.

I know what you're thinking. This barely had anything to do with her and I don't know why she's trying to take the blame in the first place.

Onika gets in enough trouble as it is. I can tell she really cares for me and she can deny this all she wants. I don't even think my friend Kelly , from home would go this extreme.

"Onika Maraj, I can't even say that I'm surprised," Principal Lawlyer stated.

It was also two policeman in the room with us which made me nervous. This was serious than I thought.

Onika sat back in the office chair, waiting for him to shut his mouth. She wouldn't respond to anything he said.

"Mr. Lawlyer, I told you it was me," I said.

"You don't have to stand up for her Ms. Knowles."

"No really, it was me. I did it. Ask around. Onika is just trying to keep me out of trouble."

"Bey, didn't I tell you to shutup? You don't gotta tell these people nothin." Onika demanded.

I looked over at her. "Nika, I made my bed, now I have to lay in it."

"Jesus, help me." She muttered while giving herself the facepalm.

"Both of you just bequiet," the principal ordered because he was getting really frustrated with the bickering.

"I would ask Ms. Schafer but she's in the ER barely able speak right now," he said angrily.

"Krystal been bullying her since she got here. I don't give a fuck if she is in the ER," Onika mimicked him.

"That wasn't my question and you're old enough to know when to tell me or another faculty member."

Onika rolled her eyes. "Please. It's not like y'all would do anything."

He sighed. "For the last time, who was it? I'm not asking again."

Onika and I looked at each other. I ended up confessing it was me although the principal had a hard time believing it.

After that, I was put into handcuffs and put into the back of a police car.

I sat there dumbfounded, trying to figure out how I got here.


I sat in the cell with one other person. It was one older lady with a short cut who was making sexual comments towards me the entire time. In her words, she wanted to make me her bitch.

After several hours of that nonsense, I learned to block her out. It still feels like I'm in a nightmare.

The gates buzzed opened before the officer called my name.

"Beyonce Knowles, you will be notified with your court date but until then, you are free to go."

I quickly nodded my head and didn't ask any questions. I had to sign off a lot of paperwork before they could actually release me.

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