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Chapter Nine

[Onika's POV]

"Onika are you staying out of trouble?" My mother asked over the phone.



"Ma, I'm trying. Forreal," I whined.

"Well try harder. And Onika, I know you and you're probably giving those teachers a hard time at school. I want you to at least graduate from 12th grade."

I rolled my eyes. "It's not like you're going to be there to see me graduate anyway."

I heard her sigh over the phone. "How about you tell me something positive."

I can tell my mom literally everything. She is the only person I can open up too so freely.

"There is nothing positive."

"Well it definitely won't be if you think that way."

"Hm, well I met this girl when school started..."


"I really like her."

I bit my bottom lip, trying to stop myself from smiling but that quickly faded when I realized how bad I fucked everything up.

I heard her gasped. "My daughter? Actually liking someone?"

"Stop mom."

"That makes me so happy. Have you told her yet?"

"She found out that I placed a bet on her."

"A bet?"

"To get her to sleep with me mom," I explained annoyingly, because she always want to know every single detail.

She sighed. "Onika Maraj-"

"I told her I'm sorry and I like her but she doesn't believe me now. What should I do?"

"It may take some time but if you really want her, you will know how to get her back."

You have 15 seconds remaining.

I hated that fucking automated voice messaging system. I only get to talk to my mother for fifteen minutes once a week and it sucks.

My mom sounded disappointed that the call was going to be over soon too.

"Alright, baby. I love you."

I stayed silent and rolled my eyes. It was now ten seconds remaining on the call.

"Hello are-"

The phone clicked off interrupting what my mother was going to say. I threw down my cellphone and quickly wiped the tears that tried coming down my face. I would not let them.

I needed some company to keep my mind off of things.

I would call one of my dips to come over and keep me company, but I didn't want them. Of course I wanted Bey.

I looked at my phone contemplating on if I should dial her number or not. I don't want to get ignored for the thousandth time.

I pressed the call button anyway and took a deep breath. After the fifth ring, I knew she wasn't going to answer still so I hung up.

Fuck her.

[Beyonce's POV]

I couldn't pay attention in class for the life of me. Not with Onika and I sitting in the same room.

I think about her 24/7 and been horny for the past couple of days because of the way she pleased me that night. Her touch is something magical. I would have flashbacks and my body would get goosebumps from just thinking about it.

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