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Chapter 11

Onika pulled up to my house in her Jeep truck. We decided that I was spending a couple of days over her house. I was excited because I get to be with her and also away from my annoying dad.

I didn't tell Matthew that I was leaving but it's not like he cares anyway.

While walking down the porch, my attention was all on Onika until this man tried getting at me.

"Aye ma, where you goin?"

He looked way too old for me and he wasn't even cute. I sped up my pace in getting to Onika's car but he still would not leave me alone.

"Where you goin' ? Can I getcho number?" He said still bothering me. I rolled my eyes. Boys can be so annoying.

Onika got out of the car. She had on these cool shades, a red crop top with rip jeans.

"That ain't none of your concern where she goin, you bum ass," she scolded.

Onika grabbed me, gently pushed me into the passenger seat and shut the door.

I could barely hear what else she was saying to the guy, but whatever she said made him leave. The girl has temper problems when it comes to me but that's one of the reasons why I love her.

She got back into the car, took off her sunglasses and looked at me.

"Maybe you should stop wearing those tight ass shorts with your ass popping out in public and that wouldn't be happening," she demanded angrily. "What I tell you about that B?"

"Ooo, you look good Nika," I complimented her.

"Did you just hear what I said?"

I laughed. "I can't get a hey baby or a kiss first ?"

"Hell no," she refused quickly.

"Aww, give me a kiss," I begged.

I grabbed her face and she would try to move away.

"Stop Bey."

"Not until you give me some sugar," I said playfully.

I forced her lips onto mine and finally let go of her cheeks.

She laughed. "You play too much. I'm serious."

"It's not even my fault. I gained some weight over the summer and now all of my clothes fit tight on me."

"Well we're gonna fix that," she said.

Onika ended up taking me to the mall and buying tons of clothes for me. She's the best.

I wondered if we were together because it sure does seem like it.


"Awwwn, mmmmmm!" The sounds of my moans and the bed squeaking grew loudly throughout the room.

"Didn't I tell you to stop wearing them shorts outside?" Onika grunted while thrusting in and out of me with her big dildo.

"I won't do it anymoreee baby. Ahhh baby oh," I moaned while pushing my butt back to her.

She aggressively pushed my head down on to the bed which made me arch my back even more.

"What was that baby?" She asked.

She grabbed my neck, making me look back at her. This was a good type of pain if that made any sense.

"Oh Nika!" I cried out.

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