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Chapter 20

A few days later

•Onika's POV•

The couple of days with Bey staying over my house has been great. We have a lot of work and catching up to do but we're getting there. I sometimes hated being alone in my apartment.

I hope her staying with me doesn't backfire. I've heard before that cohabitation never works out for relationships in the end but I like to think that we're different.

While I was in my room playing a video game, I heard Bey in the shower singing for the first time. Her voice was so angelic that I was receiving chills down my spine. I turned down the game in order to listen fully.

🎶Cause you mean the world to me

You are my everything

I swear the only thing that matters

Matters to me

Oh baby, baby, baby, baby.. 🎶

"Bey," I called her.

She yelled from the shower, "Yea??"

I grabbed a towel for her and walked into the steamy room. I thought I took really hot showers until I met her.

"Why are you letting that voice go to waste? You sound so beautiful."

There was silence for a moment until she aggressively pushed back the curtain and came out of the shower. There was a frown on her face and I scrunched my eyebrows together.

"Did you hear what -"

"I heard you," she responded with lip. "I was barely singing."

"You sure? Because your voice would be perfect for this song I just wrote-"

"Onika, it was nothing. Drop it," she ordered.

She told me ever since her mother passed, she promised herself she would never sing again. I assume, she forgot all about that promise five minutes ago.

If I would have tried to convince her about singing again, an argument would start for sure. I hate when we argue.

I sighed while nodding my head. "Okay, I won't bring it up again. I'm sorry Poohka," I apologized while calling her the nickname I gave her.

"It's okay," she said below a whisper.

I gave her a towel to dry off with. I began to wrap my arms around her waist from the back, while kissing her neck.

She giggled while placing her hands over mine. "Nika, I literally just got out of the shower."

"I know. You smell good," I murmured while continuing to suck on her. My hands slowly went down to her lower area.

She whined. "Baby, don't make me horny right now."

"I'm not doing anything," I said playfully.

She released from my arms and turned around to face me.  "No," she refused.

"C'mon Bey. Give me some lovin' ," I begged while giving her the puppy dog eyes. I'm obsessed with sexing her. I don't think I will ever get tired of it.

"I have tons of homework to do and so does Onika," she explained.

"Onika is going to do it tomorrow morning," I corrected her, speaking in third person while my eyes continued on the game.

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