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Chapter Ten

[Onika's POV]

I took Beyoncé to one of my favorite restaurants downtown. It's small and most people don't know about it but I like that its quiet, nice, and they're food is delicious.

I'm kind of nervous for this date. It's my first and I don't want to do anything dumb.

"I'm loving this place," Beyoncé complimented while enjoying the view.

"I'm glad you love it," I responded while winking at her and her cheeks began to turn rosy.

We were seated at a table outside and I looked at the menu while deciding on what to get for us.

"Oooo Nika, they have an Oreo and cream cake," Beyoncé happily spotted on the menu. "Can we get that for dessert?"

I shook my head. "Bey, I never met someone so obsessed with some damn oreos."

"... until now," she tried finishing my sentence and I laughed.

"You don't understand," she said.

"You're right. I don't," I agreed.

"Hi ladies, my name is Samantha and I will be serving you today," our waitress introduced herself. "Are you ready to order?"

"Yea. Can I get two lemonades, the sirloin steak special and she will like the shrimp scampy dinner with pasta."

"Extra on the shrimp," Beyoncé added. "And do you have bread and butter?" I really wonder where all of her food goes to... probably her ass.

"Yes we do," Samantha said continuing to write on her notepad.

"And for dessert, we will like the Oreo n' Cookie cake."

"Extra on the oreos."

"Aye Bey?"

She smiled. "Yes?"

"Shutup," I playfully said.

Samantha laughed at us. "No problem. Extra shrimp,  side of bread, extra oreos coming right up."

The waitress took our menus.
Beyoncé gazed over at me while lightly touching my feet with hers.

"What are you thinking about over there?" I asked her.

"How beautiful you are," she answered while batting her eyelashes.

I tried to hide my smile while twisting my lips. I moved over onto her side of the booth so that I could be closer to her.

"Our food should at least take about fifteen or twenty minutes," I whispered to her.

"Dang, but I'm starving now."

She totally ignored the point I was trying to make.

I tried to be sneaky by bringing my hand between her legs but she slapped it away.

"I told you you're on punishment and I'm not going back on my word," She said.

Bey told me since I wanted to place a bet on her, we can't have sex again until she says so. I have to prove that I like her for her.

And if I touched her any type of way, she would most likely feel tempted so I kinda have to keep my hands to myself.

However, she should know by now that I don't listen to rules.

"I didn't think you were serious BB," I said.

"Glad to know you don't take me seriously Onika," She said jokingly.

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