Part 1

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Sun rays touched Randhir’s face and he slowly opens his eyes. He turned his head aside and found most beautiful side of his life. He kissed on her little forehead. She twisted her nose and he smiled at her.

After sometime she opens her eyes and found his hero was starring her. She immediately hugged him and he also hugged her back.

Rd: Good morning Angel....

She: Good molnig Papa...

Rd: Why Angel is up today? Today is Sunday.

A: Yechh I know... But my papa plomis(promise) me that he will take me out.

Rd: Reallyyy..... You remembered?

A: Yechh, I lemeber (remember) evlythin (everything). I’m vely (very) inteliget(intelligent).

Rd: Oooww.. my Angle is intelligent........

He started tickling her and she started giggling. The room filled with her cute laughter and played some more time like that.

“If daughter n father are done with playing then go and take bath.” they stopped playing as they heard a voice.

Rd smiled at Arpita and Angle immediately jumped in her arms.

Rd: Good morning bhabhi (sister-in-law).

Ar: Good morning Ron. And you my little devil Good morning.

And she kissed on her cheeks. She also kissed her back.

Ar: Ron go and get ready. I will make her ready in a while.

Rd: Okay bhabhi.

Rd took out his cloths and went inside the bathroom. Arpita left to her room with Angel.


At breakfast table,

Angel was sitting on Randhir’s lap and he was feeding her. Parth was also feeding his son Ayaan. While Harsh and Renuka adored them.

Suddenly parth’s mobile ringed with unknown international number and he immediately dropped spoon. He stood and gave Ayaan to Arpita.

"Excuse me. I'll be back." He chirped and left to attend call.

After sometime he come back and went to Harsh.

P: Dad, I want to talk with you.

H: Yes speak up Parth.

P: Dad it’s important.

He signalled him that it’s really important and also private. Harsh mad an excuse and followed Parth.

H: What happened Parth? Is she alright?

P: Dad, she is moving. We need to go there urgently. I already asked my PA to check our jet.

H: Good Parth. Let's go and pack our stuff. We haven't much time.

After sometime they come back to dinning table.

H: Renu, pack my bag. Arpita you also pack Parth's stuff. We are leaving for Newyork.

They nodded their head and left from there with Angel and Ayaan.

Rd: Dad, I want to ask you something?

H: Yes say Randhir.

Rd: Dad, on which deal about you were discussing with Parth? I mean you never shared with me about Newyork deal.

H: Don’t worry son. This is last we are going to Newyork. Very soon you will got to know about this deal.

He patted his back and left from there leaving him in confusion.


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