Part 3

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Next day


Randhir woke up and get ready for office. After getting ready he goes to Arpita’s room to check his Angel. He saw her. She was crying badly and his heart ached to see her crying like this.

He instantly went near her and took up her in his arms.

Rd: What happened to my baby? Why is she crying?

A:(sobbing) Papa, I don't want to go skul(school).

Rd:(wiped her tears) And why my doll don't want to go school?

Ay: Uncle, everyone teased Angi that she doesn't have mother. But I beat them for making my baby sister cry.

Rd:(cupped her face) Awww... this is very small thing. Next time if they teased you then tell them that you have world's best papa. You don't need mom because you papa is only your mom. Okay.

Ay: Yes Angi. And I'll also hit everyone daily.

Ar: Ayaan you hit your classmates. It’s bad thing naa.

Ay: Mumma they teased my baby sister that's why I hit them.

Ar: Fine fine. All Shekhawat's are damm possessive for their girls. Now get ready fast. Doll now you will go school naa.

She nodded her head and he kissed her forehead. She kissed his both cheeks making him smile.


St. Francis Hospital

Parth and Harsh reached there. They goes and meet Doctor.

H: Dr How is she? Can we meet her?

Dr: She is absolutely fine Mr. Shekhawat. Let’s go to meet her.

They followed Dr and went to her room. They entered in her room and saw that she was lying on the bed. Her head was covering with bandages. She opened her eyes and saw Harsh & Parth. Nurse helped her to sit on the bed.

Dr: How are you feeling Mrs Sanyukta Shekhawat?

San: I’m good.

Dr: Alright then you talks with your in laws. Take care.

Dr left from there. Sanyukta saw Harsh and tears rolling down from her eyes. She started crying. He goes to her and hugged her.

H: Everything will be fine Sanyu.

San:(sobbing) Nothing will be fine papa. He will never forgive me. He hates me papa and my doll... (suddenly she broke the hug) papa my doll how is she? How she look like? (Looked at Parth) Jiz (brother-in-law) I want to see my doll. Please...

P: Sanyu just relex. Don’t stress yourself. It's not good for your health.

He took out his mobile and opened Angel’s pic then handed his mobile to Sanyu.

P: See. She is your doll. Our Angel.

Sanyu saw her Angel’s pic and again tears rolling down from her eyes.

San:(crying) m.. my Angel... she i..  is grown u..  up.. my doll is grown without her mother. I missed everything papa. I... I am.. worst mo...  mother. I am very b..  bad...

She started crying loudly. Harsh hugged her again.

H: verything will be fine beta. Don’t cry, it’s not good for your health.

Harsh caressed her head which was covered with bandage. She fainted in some mins due to continues access of cry. Parth called Doctor. Dr checked her.

H:(worriely) Dr what happen to her? Is she alright?

Dr: Yes, she is alright but make sure that she won't not take any kind of stress. It’s not good for her health. May it will lead her to death.

P: What? But she is cure now then why this death?

Dr: Yes Mr Shekhawat this is true that she is cure but her mind is still not able to takes any kind of pressure. She is mentally and physically weak. You need to take care of her.

H: Don't worry Dr. We will take care of her for sure.

Dr: Good. See you later.

P: Thank you Dr.

Dr left from there leaving them alone. Parth and Harsh stayed with Sanyu who in deep slumber.


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