Im so gone

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I used to see you as the boy
Not even the boy just a boy
saw you around every now and then never thought much of it
i didn't know you'd become my everything
i didn't know you'd make my heart swell at just the mention of your name
before , to me the word love meant pain and longing and loneliness and tears
i thought he was meant to make you feel like nothing , that he was meant to make you stain your pillow with tears every night
then I met you
and you taught me I was wrong
you taught me loving someone isn't a bad thing
in fact with the right person it's the best thing in the world
you make me happy
genuinely happy
I get this giddy feeling in my chest , less like butterflies, more like fireworks
like I'm warm on the inside
like I'm safe and home is a person rather than a place
I love you
I love you so much it hurts sometimes
sometimes I love you so much it feels like I can't breath
then I remember to breath
and this is what living feels like
being with you
loving you
this is living

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