Peter Pan ~ escape

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Peter pan imagine

(Y/S):your sister
Narrators p.o.v

You hated your life in the enchanted forest you hated your family. Your step parents never cared about you they would abuse you they would punch kick you and other horrible things and make you do all the chores because you were the adopted one. You were living on a farm and (Y/S) was just as horrible she never had to do any of the work. But you knew how to be strong enough to deal with it.

You were outside chopping the wood. You looked up and saw a tall green male figure appear out of know where with emerald eyes, brown hair and dark green clothes he was kind of attractive in your opinion. He was leaning up against a tree staring at you with a little smirk across his lips. You looked at him strangely and spoke. 

"Ummmmm?... Can i help you?..." You simply spoke with a hint of sass and irritation. He tilted and furrowed his eyebrows and had the same smirk and disappeared.

"Ok then...." You continued chopping.

The sun was setting and you went inside your little cottage sneaking past your parents and sister who were eating some food. You could care less weather or not they would give you food to eat because you would just steal food later anyway. You finally made it to your bedroom without being noticed and opened the window for cool air after working outside and flopped on your bed again wishing for a way out of your home and fell asleep.

The next morning was the same as usual but this time it was different. You were taking care of the garden while your mother was watching you this time making sure everything you did was right. She made you so nervous and so irritated you accidentally dropped the basket of carrots and tried to quickly pick it up.

"YOU IDIOT!!!"  She walked over to you and kicked you you groaned in pain.

"Im..s-s-sorry..." You were scared you closed your eyes hoping she would go away. She continued to abuse you then suddenly it stopped. You looked up and saw you were in the middle of the forest. You looked up and saw the boy from yesterday.

"Are you stalking me now or something..!?!" You asked with sass.

"You should be thanking me" he spoke in a British accent.

"Who are you?" You asked confused.

"Im peter, peter pan" he stood tall and smirked.

"And?!!?" You asked as if the name was suppose to mean something. He rolled his eyes.

"Well I just saved you from a beating" he crossed his arms. You stood up and looked at him deeply he was attractive and his eyes were amazing.

"I know love i do think i am attractive as well" he smirked.

"Did you just...."you turned away embarrassed wondering if he read your mind. Soon you heard your mother call you.


"Do you trust me?" He put his hand out to you.

"I barley know you" you replied.

"Well unless you wanna stay here then you should just trust me" he stated. You took his hand.

"Ok.." He pulled you in towards him and you were soon flying in the air.

"Where are we going?" You asked a little freaked out that you were flying.

"Neverland" he looked at you.

(A/n: hope you guys like this its my first imagine of the book and probably really cringy).


✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now