Peter pan imagine 3

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Narrative p.o.v

It was late at night (Y/N) was walking through on the streets in the pouring rain. She ran from the orphanage because of how horrible she had been treated there. She moved from 5 orphanages and never wanted by anyone just because she was a 16 year old teen. The night was cold and miserable. (Y/N)'s whole body was freezing it felt like there were icicles dangling off her hair. She finally came across a ally with a bunch if boxes she could use to make a mini shelter for the night.

After making a small enough space she laid curled up in a ball imagining what life would be like if she had a family.
Out of the blue she heard the sounds of male voices. She tried to ignore it but they got closer until it got to the point where she was scared. "Well what do we have here..ha..ha.." One of the men spoke "pretty dangerous to be on the streets alone little girl...!!" The other spoke with a knife in his hand coming close to (Y/N)'s face.( Y/N) wasn't sure what she could do now the two cornered her she stood up. She could smell the stench of his weed like breath. He caressed her cheek with the blade. "Leave me alone!" "Oh I don't think so do you? Bucky?" Adrenaline was rushing through (Y/N)'s veins as her fist connected with his face. She ran as fast as her legs could take her until she slipped in a puddle. The two men started to touch her in places that shouldn't be touched. She tried to resist and squirm around. A loud scream came out of her mouth "HEEEEEELP!!! Please!!" One of the men grabbed her mouth "SHUT UP!" (Y/N) was losing hope her exhaustion took over as she was too tired to fight anymore. She tried to one more time to scream suddenly she felt her self passing out a blurry green figure answered her prayers as the two men were groaning in pain she then blacked out.

(Y/N) slowly woke up but she was no longer outside she sat up and felt a sharp pain in her head. "Careful" she heard the sound of a British accent across the room stood a boy about her age with brown fluffy hair and dark forest green eyes, darkish green clothes. "Where am I?" The boy walked a little closer "Neverland" (Y/N) raised an eyebrow nodding her head in disbelief "Neverland doesn't exist, and who are you?!" He crossed his arms and smirked "Im peter pan." (Y/N) chuckled still not believing him. " uhuh rigghhht Neverland and a boy named peter pan sounds just like a kids story to me." His feet started to lift off the ground

"ok yep... I'm definitely dreaming."

"I know everything about you (Y/N)."

"Stalker much..."you looked away for a minute.

"You know who I am you and once had a dream with me in it" he walked a little bit closer to her. "I know you know what Im talking about, you've always wanted to leave to place where you wanted a real family." He walked closer till his face was just almost a inch away from (Y/N). "Rest up (Y/N)" pan walked out of the tent. Peter pan and (Y/N) did know each other very well and pan got strong feelings for her.

Pan's p.o.v

"So pan what are we gonna do with the girl?" Felix asked. "We're obviously going to keep here" I replied with sarcasm "Well obviously I mean are we going to train her?" "Well of course we are felix she's very much capable" "what of she's like Wendy..." Memories about Wendy came back to me got me thinking a little. "No... She won't be like her."

Narrative p.o.v

It was night out the lost boys were dancing around the fire while pan was sitting on a rock by the fire. (Y/N) walked out of pans tent to the fire to sit down by the fire as well. Pan looked across at (Y/N) and started walking over to her. "How are you doing love?" "Fine" (Y/N) sat with her knees to her chest. "Don't worry (Y/N) you will like it here." Suddenly pan kissed her "what was that for?" Pan gave a soft smile (Y/N) gave felix a confusing what was that look all he did was smirk.


✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now