Pete vs newt (part 2)

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(A/n: I know I know I haven't updated in a long time... also thank you guys for 15k 😊)


Newts p.o.v

Seeing Maaia with another guy broke my heart... I mean I couldn't blame her she thought I died and we've been separated since then. But I will never stop being in love with her "you alright newt?" Minho snapped me out of my thoughts. "Yeah I guess" I muttered walking back to the gardens. "Newt can we talk?" Maaia appeared behind me with a nervous look on her face "oh... uh yeah sure" I kept my eyes looking everywhere but hers, what was the point anyway if she was just going to leave. "Look I know this is awkward and probably uncomfortable for you but you have to understand I thought you were dead... you left me on my own..." small tears clouded my vision. "I know" was all I could say because I knew nothing I could say would change her mind. There was only one thing I could do I needed to win her heart back. (wow hat sounds really bad lol) I need to remind her of all the good things about us. "Ok well I should go help Felix find away back home" this left me with very little time to think of something.

Maaia's p.o.v

"So do you think there's a way we could make a portal? Do you know how to make portals?" The sound of Felix's voice snapped me out of my trance "Mhmm.." I looked up "Maaia pay attention! We need to figure this out unless you want pan to get angry! And who knows what will happen then..." I rolled my eyes at him "please i can handle peter" I smirked chuckling softly playing around with my magic. "Anyways! What are we gonna do about this!" Felix gestured to the piece of paper that had a formula written on it. "I can see what I can do" I nodded taking a good look at it.

I walked out of the place called the "homestead" making my way to the "deadheads" to practice making a portal. "Maaia can we talk?" Peter came up to me his voice cracking and tears running down his face. "Sorry but I have better things to do" he scoffed "other than finding away out of this bloody place what could you possibly have better to do?!" He rolled his eyes stepping closer to me. I teleported in front of him trying to avoid a conversation with him "at least I'm doing something" I whispered under my breath "I heard that!" I rolled my eyes walking away from him. "Do we have a problem over here?" Newt came over to us holding his hoe and Thomas next to him. "No none of your business!" Peter glared teleporting in-front of me "stop that" I glared "we need to work together on this! So mine as-well talk to me!" Dramatic much. Newt put a hand on his shoulder dragging him backwards forcefully "she wants to be alone don't push it!" He said in a deep form voice "ok stop both of you! Ok newt I don't need you to defend me and peter!.... do what you do best or something as long as it's far away from me" I chirped continuing in my path.

A few hours later of frustration I made my way to the homestead wanting to get some rest.

—the next day—

Narrative p.o.v

It was hot out more than it was yesterday in the glade. Of course you and the lost boys had to help out while Felix and pan found a way to get back home. You were sweating at it was getting harder to work since you were helping out with the building. Newt and peter both saw your struggle to carry the giant pieces of wood. "Let me help you out with that" newt grabbed one of the pieces of wood from your grasp "oh thank god" you sight in relief at the weight lifted. "It's alright lad I got it" Pan teleported our of nowhere taking the piece of wood from newt. You rolled your eyes at their childish ness. Seriously the other day they both tried to help you clean up the dishes from last night, they both even offered to do your job for you. But you were sick of it! "Ok both of you! I've had it! I'm going to find Felix" you dropped the pieces of wood on the ground stomping your way back to the homestead.

"Oh hey Maaia" Felix created you "do you have anything! Please tell me you have something!" You pleaded desperately to get home. "Yes fortunately I did" he smirked holding up a piece of paper with the spell on it.

You both walked out of the homestead but you were more aggravated. "LOST BOYS GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE!" You shouted in anger as they all crowded around you including some of the boys from the glade. "WE ARE LEAVING NOW! Also because Felix found away..." you calmed holding up the piece of paper. Newt looked hurt but you were annoyed and you didn't really care at this point. "Maaia... hold up..." newt came over to you but pan stepped in front of you. "I'm sorry alright! I just miss you! I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I really am sorry" tears fell from his face and it hurt you.

Maaia's p.o.v

I had been thinking a lot and it was only fair if I gave him a chance no matter how much peter and newt fought over me. "I just don't want you two to fight over me!" You blurted put handing peter the piece of paper. "But your right you've apologized..." I knew what i wanted now after days of thinking about it. "Pete... go without me, this is the spell that will take everyone home" I took a step back not making eye contact. "Are you serious..." he started to get angry "after all this time your going to chose him! He left you! He broke you! He abandoned you! I took care of you! I put your heart back together! I gave you a home! And I loved you..." peter softened at the end. I kept the tears back and my kind made up "fine..." he and the boys started to teleport back home only to leave the piece of paper. Newt came up to me and gave me a hug. But maybe peter had a point...

(A/n: lol plot twist making a part three because it can't end like this even me as the author can't end it like this, anyway keep being awesome!)


✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now